Chapter 24 - Merry Christmas

Start from the beginning

But instead, Y/N hears "Nous viola, Y/N!" Here we are, Y/N. from Dax, his excitement clears as he puffs, quite out of breath. While Y/N scanned the field again, to make sure her eyes hadn't played games, and search for the said "Home!" that he named, she frowns as she truly sees nothing.

'He must have lost his marbles!' she pondered in suspicion, tired and truly in edge of wanting to burst her frustration out. The man hadn't yet said anything! Just commands her to follow him in this deserted field, climb a mountain dome without really telling her why.

Why couldn't he just tell Y/N what he's truly up to? That would be really appreciated but instead she was left in the dark, wondering what the hell is going on! She takes several breathes in and out –trying not to judge so soon –then she throws him a questioning look, "Umm...what?" she raised her voice just a little.

Y/N was completely unaware of the missing piece that is floating up above the clouds.

Dax realizes this, blinking, and slaps his own forehead. "Oh attends; je n'ai pas encore fait la chose!" Oh, wait; I didn't do the thing yet! He cleared his throat, throws a grinning smile at his niece that watched with curiosity –frustration quite surfacing –before summoning his raw magic as he lifted both of his hand at front. Silly him, the castle was not yet been bestowed for the spell that is protecting it hadn't yet been temporarily countered.

He held no wand, Y/N noticed.

Speaking in one of the forgotten language, he called for The Lady that had created the safe land, called for whom started their line and for her to deem both Y/N and him as worthy to see her palace of unknown. Dax tries to reach her as she sleep deep into their blood.

Suddenly, Y/N crouched as she felt the kindle of burning sting in her right thigh. It glows, reacting. "Aahhrg!" she mewled, quickly defeated as she felt her heart pumps the blood rushing into her.

She felt it accelerate with her magic, it screams, it calls, it weeps.

Then, a piece connects.

"Oncle!" Y/N called for him, afraid, "H-help... please! It hurts!"

Y/N shuts her eyes at her body rigid. And with a strong swift of dust and Daxellion faint voice yelling for her to respond, her body gave up, her eyes slowly fading into darkness. What Y/N last saw was an image of a protective, solid barriers and faces of golden gargoyles that sneered.


She woke underneath an enormous tree; she hears the way the air softly touches the finest green leaves and watch as it make the branches dance along with it. Y/N felt safe and sound. Beneath her, the grass tickles her expose skin –she isn't naked, mind you –and the faint scent of smell of fresh-baked biscuit lingers somewhere close.

'She's here.'

Of course, Y/N knows that the year wouldn't end without her visiting. So, too comfortable to sit up, Y/N grins up to the sky –which is normally blue but is now red –instead and waits until she caught sight of a shadow. And of course, she did.

"Hello, Y/N." a fair voice, calm and ever sounding so fruity, called softly, almost like a mumble.

Y/N grins at the woman, "Hello to you too."

A chuckle, "Enjoying yourself, I see."

"Quite," Y/N nodded. "You always make me feel so."

A feather, Y/N saw, flew away with the whispering wind. "I do get that a lot." She agreed, now combing Y/N's hair gently.

Angel [Hierarchy Series] [Harry Potter Fanfiction] (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now