Chapter 10- Strawberries, Ice Cream, and Lady Products

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"What kind of ice cream do you like?" I ask as we pass the dairy section. By now we had about fifteen items in our cart.

"All ice cream," he replies with a grin. "I'll eat anything."

I raise an eyebrow, staring at the flavors. "Even pistachio?"

Tom chuckles. "Alright, not every flavor."

I smile. "So. Where to next?"

"What, we're not getting ice cream?" He asks, appalled.

"No way. It's the middle of June, it'll melt before we eat it all."

"We can't even get a mini container?" He pouts.



"You're a groan man, and you're asking for my permission to buy ice cream?"

"Yes," he says, smiling a crooked yet handsome smile.

I sigh, trying to avoid looking into his begging eyes. Smiling right now would be the worst thing I could do. I must not give in.

Tom tugs as my sleeve lightly, as if still waiting for a better answer than my last one.

"Tom," I sigh.

Then he drops to his knees, still clinging to my sleeve. "Please?"

I stare at him like he's some sort of maniac, then to the people in the ice cream aisle as well. How mature we must look.


"Yes?" He asks. Even on his knees he's pretty tall.

I roll my eyes. "Get off of your knees and pick out your ice cream."

He jumps to his feet suddenly, a large grin on his face. "Thank you, darling!"

I just smile and shake my head as he looks through the glass doors, and I start to look for something I may like. While I do that, I mentally go through my list of some things I may need for my upcoming 'time of the month'.

"Thomas," I say once he returns to the cart, a mini tub of ice cream now in the cart.

He senses the seriousness in my voice. "Yes?"

"I need to collect a few things. So perhaps you can entertain yourself elsewhere? Unless you don't mind being in those aisles."

"I'm sure I won't mind," he replies with a gentle smile.

I raise both of my eyebrows. "Really?"

"Really," he responds.

Does he know what aisle I'm talking about?

"Okay... Well I'd also like to get some yogurt. It can help with cramps."

"Cramps..." He murmurs. Then realization comes onto his face. "Oh. That aisle."

I nod, looking away. "Yeah." I really hope Tom isn't the type of guy who gets really weird about tampons and shit. I mean, I consider Tom a friend by now. I don't care if he knows about my period, as long as he's mature about it.

"Um.. Can I ask when? So I know when to start buying you chocolate and offering you back rubs and act super nice?" He jokes, slight nervousness in his voice. I'm guessing he just doesn't know how I'll react to his joke.

I smile lightly at his efforts to keep cool about it all. "Yes, you can ask when I will be on my period." By now we were talking in low voices. "In exactly two days."

"Ah. Okay. So you need supplies, yeah? Let's get to it, then."

I nod. "You seem totally cool talking about this," I point out.

Twelve Red Roses (a Tom Hiddleston fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें