Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Do NOT Trust the Devil

The soft thumping of the ball hitting the wooden panels of the wall rang throughout the shed, followed by a loud sigh from me as I caught it once again. Going to throw it once more, I yelped in surprise as the door suddenly slid open, resulting in the rubber sphere knocking over a couple of gardening tools and then bounce back at the head of the sudden intruder.

"Good morning, Eien. Did you sleep well?" I chirped, swinging my legs off of the side of the cot that had been set up in the shed in the far back of the Shrine. The priests had put me here because they didn't trust me, which I can't really blame them for as I probably would be roaming around and causing as much havoc as I can. If only they hadn't used that charm on the door of the shed, which kept me trapped until one of them took it off.

"Tadamasa insisted on me bringing you food." Was the response I got once the door slid closed and Eien put a tray on a shelf that was littered with a variety of Junji's potted flowers. "I don't understand why he would care about your health. It would probably be easier to starve you to death in here." The cold male stated.

"You certainly know how to woo a woman, huh?" I deadpanned, smirking slightly when seeing him turn frazzled before shaking my head. "It wouldn't work, anyways. Unlike you humans who need food for the nutrients, demons who choose to eat only do so for the experience. That goes for sleeping as well." I explained, slipping off of the cot and walking over to the tray, eagerly beginning to chomp at what was put on it after making sure there was no second attempt of trying to kill me with poison.

"And that's why I have Hidekazu watching you." Eien huffed, before his glare on me harshened. "Speaking of which, where is he?"

"I sent Hide to bed at three this morning. He had tried killing me a lot yesterday, so I thought he deserved a break." I simply stated.

"That's not something you decide!" I jumped at the sudden shout, and turned to look at Eien in surprise. Sure, he obviously hated me, and of course I got on his nerves, but I had not once heard him raise his voice at anyone before.

"Apologies." I picked up the warm drink from the tray and once more sat on the cot. "Next time I'll make sure to get your permission, before I try to assist in the well-being of one of your colleagues." I coolly said, before blowing on the drink.

"When you put it like that, you make me sound like a heartless man." Clicking his tongue, Eien sat criss-cross in front of the door and placed one hand on his knee while using the other to scratch the back of his head.

"Am I wrong~?" I giggled, smirking as he narrowed his harsh brown eyes at me.

"I don't think it best to discuss myself with a demonic being." He coldly stated.

I shrugged my shoulders and took a sip of my drink. "I don't blame you for that. There are certain things you just can't say to someone you find untrustworthy."

"You make it very difficult to despise you when you sound so smart sometimes."

"What do you mean by sometimes?!" Feeling a vein pop on my forehead, I buried my anger by blowing bubbles into my drink. "I wouldn't be such a pain if I were just able to help Kaii with his chores instead of being locked up in here."

It was Wednesday, one of the days that I wasn't allowed to leave the shed at all because of the people who'd come to visit the Shrine. It was certainly difficult to go from one day of semi-freedom to being locked up like a caged animal. Especially when each priest took a turn of watching me closely throughout the day. I also had to keep up my guard just as much as them, as there could be many ways of attempts to kill me in such a small space that could become close to fatal.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2018 ⏰

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