Bewitched (Part 7)

Start from the beginning

I should do this more often, appreciating their hard work and listening to them too.


She looked up to see one of her staff standing at the doorway. "Yes?"

"A Miss Choi Sooyoung is here to pick up her dress."

"Ah okay. Can you bring me the black dress from the workshop? And send her right in, please."

The staff nodded and rushed away. She returned a short while later with the dress in hand and Sooyoung behind her.

Tiffany thanked the young woman and told her to close the office door.

"Well well... things are looking mighty chirpy around here," commented Sooyoung with a smirk on her face. "And my dress is black! Hooray!"

"As you requested." Tiffany took off the plastic cover and showed the dress to Sooyoung. "Wanna try it on?"

"No need. I trust you. Plus, I could easily adjust anything that seems a bit off." Sooyoung took hold of the fabric and observed it in awe. "How long did it take you to redo this?"

"Approximately 24 hours nonstop with the help of my talented business partner."

"I see."

Tiffany leaned against her desk and crossed her arms. "So you really turned back time?"

"Maybe," replied Sooyoung enigmatically.

"Yes or no, please."

"I can't mess with time," said Sooyoung.

"Then how come I'm reliving the past week?"

"That's for me to know and for you to never find out," said the tall woman. "Just consider this a second chance."

"You've told me that."

"Well, I'm telling you that again." Sooyoung placed the dress neatly inside the plastic cover and moved to leave. "Thank you for the hard work. I will surely be the star of the show tomorrow." She winked, citing the words Tiffany had told her during their previous meeting.

"Wait!" Tiffany straightened up and rushed to the door to stop Sooyoung from leaving her office. "What about Taeyeon?" she lowered her voice. "Does she even exist? Was everything you said about her true? Is she really Key's friend? Does she remember taking care of a black dog named Ginger?"

"Yes, yes, yes and no."

Tiffany raised her eyebrows at Sooyoung who smiled at her.

"I answered your questions in perfect order. She's real. She's Key's friend who has to learn to stop giving too much and start taking so people won't take advantage of her. And no, she doesn't remember a thing about Ginger the dog. Her last dog was named Cherry and it passed away nearly a year ago."

"Oh." Tiffany grew quiet, unsure what to make of the information.

"I will leave you now and I swear to never mess with your life again unless you really ask for it, Tiffany," said Sooyoung in a soft voice. "As for Taeyeon, well... do what you have to do. Just know that Ginger only exists in your and my minds. No one else remembers her and no one else will."

"Won't that be... cheating?"

"What do you mean?"

"I already know so much about Taeyeon but she doesn't know a thing about me."

"Let's just call it an advantage that will, in turn, benefit her too."

"How so?"

"Oh come on. You're the smart one around here. You figure it out." Sooyoung extended her hand. "No hard feelings?"

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