Bewitched (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"Thanks for the help, Taeyeon noona," said Key as he let the woman and the dog out.

"Anytime, Key."


After stopping by the pet shop for some supplies, Tiffany found herself in a medium-sized apartment downtown.

"How do you like it?" Taeyeon asked as she put the dog and the plastic bags down. She took out two newly purchased bowls and brought them to the kitchen to wash. "Don't pee on the carpet or on my furniture, okay? You'll ruin them."

Well, duh? You think I don't know that? Where is your bathroom anyway?

She decided to explore the place, found what she was looking for, and became irritated when she couldn't reach the door handle. So she began barking, demanding for the woman to open the door so she could do her business.

"Hey, chill! You're gonna make the neighbors angry." Taeyeon came out of the kitchen and approached the noisy dog. "What do you want?"

Tiffany starting clawing at the closed door with her right paw. "Open the door!" she barked.

"What? There's nothing in there. That's just the bathroom." Taeyeon pressed the door handle, pushed the door open and turned on the lights.

I know, genius. I can smell it from a mile away. I need to go.

"Close the door!"


Taeyeon raised her eyebrows. "What now? You've gotten your wish."

"Then leave me so I can pee!"

Bark. Bark.

"You're seriously noisy," Taeyeon said, turning to leave. "Don't drink from the toilet, okay? If you want to do your business, I'd prefer you do it near the drain. Easier for me to clean." She then shook her head. "As if she could even understand what I'm saying," she mumbled to herself on the way back to the kitchen.

Taeyeon had just finished scooping dog food into the bowl when she heard the dog barking again.

"What now? Sheesh."

She left the bowl and the open can on the kitchen counter and went to the bathroom to find Tiffany sitting in front of the door, waiting for her.

"Did you pee?"

Taeyeon went inside, saw what looked to be the neatest toilet trip any dog had ever taken and couldn't help but feel strange. "How did your owner train you? You did it right near the drain like I told you to," she said as she turned on the water to clean up. "Good girl." She petted the dog once she was done. "I'll leave the bathroom door open from now on."

"Thanks. Sorry I called you. I didn't know how to flush it. Couldn't reach the tap."

Taeyeon grinned when the dog barked at her. "Proud, are ya? Well, I bet you're still hungry so let's go. Dinner time." She walked to the kitchen with the dog at her heels.

Tiffany hesitated when Taeyeon put the full bowl in front of her.

"What's wrong? Aren't you hungry?" Taeyeon asked, squatting down next to the dog.

Tiffany sniffed the food. It smelled great and she was indeed starving but...

It's dog food. I don't even know what kind of meat this is or where it's from. Is it even cooked? Do they cook dog food? I guess so. It doesn't look raw.

"Go on. Eat a lot," Taeyeon said, reaching out to pet the dog before leaving to put away the rest of the stuff.

Tiffany took a deep breath and licked just a little bit of the meat. It tasted good so she convinced herself that it was okay. In her current state, she had no choice but to eat this anyway.

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