Bewitched (Part 1)

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"Did she kill her? Should I call the police?" Tiffany tried not to laugh.

Key frowned. "I'm serious. She went missing for a few days before they found her roaming the streets of Seoul like a hobo, looking lost and totally out of it. She kept murmuring 'I'm sorry... I'm sorry...' to herself while shaking from head to toe. They sent her to a psychiatrist after that."

"Hm... were there any huge turn of events in her life prior to that?"

"Well, her fiancé broke off their engagement shortly before that... BUT!" the young man quickly said, stopping Tiffany from saying anything. "She was okay and even went back to work for a few days before she went missing and crazy."

"You're too gullible, Key."

"I'm not, Noona. You should really be careful." He then stood up, hung the dress up neatly and made for the door. "She's gonna be here any minute and I'm too scared to stay so you're on your own."

"Gullible!" shouted Tiffany after the man. "Black magic. Witch." She then scoffed. "Yeah right. So she wears black a lot. She's probably goth."


Tiffany turned her head towards the door when she heard the knock.

"Miss Choi is here to see you, Unnie," her assistant said before disappearing out of the office again.

Tiffany raised her eyebrows as she stood up. Where did she go? Don't tell me she believes in that whole witch crap too?

She didn't have time to think anymore on the matter because the tall woman had entered her office.

"Good afternoon, Miss Choi," said Tiffany as she took a polite bow.

"Good afternoon. I'm here for my dress."

"Ah yes. I'm sure you'll be quite thrilled to see the result," said Tiffany with a wide smile on her face. She went to take the dress off the hanger and showed it to the woman confidently. "Pretty, right? It will look so good on you. You'll be the star of the show."

The woman didn't react. She just looked at the dress, staring at it like it offended her then shifted her deadly glare to Tiffany slowly. "Why. Is. It. Pink?"

"Now now, I know that you requested black but it's dark and boring, don't you think? This color will bring out your eyes and your perfect complexion. It's a classy, elegant color. I chose the subtlest, softest shade of pink I could find. Trust me, I'm never wrong when it comes to what looks great on people. You can ask every single one of my clients."

"So you push your own know-it-all will on every client?"

"Of course not! I don't push my own will on anyone."

"Then what's this?" The woman pointed at the dress. "The event's tomorrow and you've violated our agreement one-sidedly, without even consulting me on the matter."

"I knew that you'd refuse but I really, honestly, think that this will look beautiful on you. At least try it on first? I've also prepared matching shoes and accessories. You'll look dazzling!"

The woman shook her head and crossed her arms. "You just don't get it, do you? How spoiled are you to not be able to respect other people's wishes? If you can do this to a paying client, I'd hate to think what you do to your staff or friends."

"W-what?" Tiffany's eyes widened with shock. "I'm spoiled?!"

"Yes. And unprofessional."

"I beg your pardon?!"

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