Chapter 5

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~Charlie's P.O.V. (Earlier that same day)

  It was a normal day, until it happened. We were in Health Science class at our normal table like any other day when it happened. Seth, Jeffery, Hunter, and I were picking on Beth for liking Seth when the tables turned and Jeffery started saying that Seth liked her. I could see the anger in his face rising and right before I could tell Jeffery to stop Seth spoke, or more like shouted. "I DON'T LIKE BETH!! I LIKE CHARLIE!!" I didn't know how to respond. 

   Suddenly Seth stood up and knocked his chair over in the process, but he paid no mind to it. Then he ran. Straight out of the classroom he sprinted away. Everyone was still stunned after hearing what he said. I was the first to snap out of it and I did what anyone would do after hear the love of their life confess to them. I ran after him.

I almost lost sight of him but I caught a glimpse of his hair heading into the boys high school bathroom. I slow my pace so I don't disturb any other classes and get into more trouble than I'm probably in. I open the bathroom door and my heart breaks at the sight I see. Seth is sitting on the floor with his back on the wall and his knees to his chest. His brown eyes lock with my green ones. I see so many emotions swimming in his eyes. Fear, surprise, anxiety, and love?

I slowly approach him and he flinches back like a wounded puppy and it hurt to see him like this. As soon I'm standing over him I crouch in front of him so I can look him level in the eyes. "Seth..." I whisper to him as I reach for his hand. He adverts his gaze from my eyes to the floor. I gently grab his hand and pull it to my lips to place a sweet kiss to his knuckles. He suddenly looks up, eyes wide at my sudden affectionate action.

"Ch-Charlie...What are you doing? Aren't you mad at me?" He whispered. I simply smile at him and stare at him will all the love I feel for him shining in my eyes. (I'm cringing at this.)

"Oh, baby, I could never be mad at you. That would make me a hypocrite. And," I pause and place my hand under his chin and lift his head to look at me, "I love you too much to be mad at you." I slowly lean in as though I am going to kiss him and he leans in as well. Just as lip were about to touch someone comes bursting into the bathroom. I quickly jump away from Seth and turn around to face the intruder. It is non other than my twin, Hunter, followed by Jeffery, and, surprisingly, Beth. 

"What is going on?!" Jeffery shouted. 

"Why are you guys here?" I asked. I looked at my brother and our friends. I turned to faced Seth who was still sitting in the corner. I rose to my feet and put my hand out for him to take. He gently placed his hand in mine and I helped him up, but I didn't let go once he was standing. 

"Mrs. Prestige sent us to get you. she was slightly reluctant to let me go, but I convinced her I could persuade you two to come back." Beth said.

"Come on Charlie. You and Seth need to return to class. Mrs. Prestige said she won't give ya'll break detention or send ya'll to the office if you return now." Hunter finally spoke.

"I'm not going back. Not after what just happened." Seth said from beside me. I looked over at him and was shocked to see he looked genuinely scared.  I gently squeeze his hand as a sign of comfort. 

"Seth, no one cares that you like Charlie. In all honesty, a lot of them saw it coming. So you shouldn't be scared to go back. Also, everyone saw Charlie run after you so they all think he likes you back. No one is going throw a fit about this, trust me. Anyway, if they have anything bad to say they can write there complaint down and shove it up there butts." Beth said matter-of-factly. If she was hoping to cheer Seth up then is worked because he started chuckling beside me.  I looked up and was going to thank her for the support when I caught sight of Jeffery. He looked ready to explode. I could see the rage in his eyes. I always knew he was homophobic, that's why the only one who knew I was gay was Hunter. By the sound of it, Beth knew of Seth's feelings for me. Then in a split second, Jeffery was gone. He knew he was outnumbered, smart.

"Well then, glad he's gone. Lets get back to class now, shall we?" Beth said as she turned and exited the boys bathroom. I slightly chuckled as Hunter followed after her while shaking his head. I then turned to the boy beside me. He must have felt me gaze on him because he turned and looked at me. 

"Come now Love, we have to get back to class now or we'll be in trouble." I spoke sweetly to him. I turn to walk out when I feel a tug on my hand. I turn back to face Seth. "Are you okay?"

"Do you think what Beth said is true? Is no one really going to care?" He said quietly. I thought for a moment and shook my head.

"No. I think some will care, but will most likely not say anything to you. For if they do, they will have to deal with me, and Beth of course." I smile gently at him. "Now are you ready to go?"

He looked thoughtful for a moment and then shook his head no. "No, there is one more thing I need to do." Then he grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and kissed me. I froze for a moment before kissing him back. In this moment I knew everything would be different, and there were going to be hard times, but I looked forward to it because I would have him by my side through it all. 

The End


Well there you have it guys. It is done. It took me almost a year to finally finish this, but I did it. I thank those who read this trash, you guys are why I continued this book. Well, i believe that is all. Bye Everyone. 

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