Need Any Help?

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" I didn't need anything. I was just wondering if you guys needed help with packing or making food or anything. Granny said she would help too. " Ruby answered, " And by the way, nice pick here Emma." she said with a smirk.



Sorry about all the smirking but if you watch the show, most of the characters usual expressions are smirks so. CONTINUE


"Hey. I am totally and fully a devilishly handsome gentleman. I'm sure there are thousands of young lasses out there who would love to get their hands on me." Killian interjected.

"Yes, yes. You are fantastic and everyone loves you. We have all heard the saga. " Emma said, smiling lovingly at Killian.

"Well I am and everyone does. Anyway, thank you Ruby but I think we are fine." Killian replied.

"Ok. Have fun you two." Ruby said as she walked out the door.

"So, shall we continue where we left off?" Asked Killian as he reached for Emma.

Emma fell into his embrace but said, "You know how much I would love to, but you also know that we or at least, I, have to plan this trip. At least when we are going and things like plane tickets and hotels."

Killian went rigid and the smile vanished from his face. "Wait, plane tickets?"

"Well yes. How else would we get there?" Emma asked.

"By ship?" said Killian.

"What is this issue with a plane flight?" Emma asked.

"I've never been on one before and I'm much more comfortable on the waves." Killian answered.

"Oh come on you'll love it. And I'll be right beside you the whole time,'

answered Emma.

"Fine. But I better get a reward when we get to the hotel." Killian hinted as he got up, put his hook back on, and started toward the kitchen.

"Oh you will," said Emma as she got up and walked up the stairs. "I'm going to start planning. REMEMBER TO PACK NORMAL CLOTHES!"

"Ahh-mmnmnmmmnnmmn." Killian grumbled as she walked up to their room and he started on lunch for himself. "I hate regular clothes. Why can't my style be 'normal'?"



Helloooooo. So this is the second chapter. I'm starting planning and the whole packing next chapter, but I would like to know if you guys like the romance level? say like a scale of 1-10 where 1- holding hands and 10- full on frick frack. What level is this on and where do you want it? more? less? more graphic? less graphic? TELL ME!!!

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