Chapter 14 : Thank You Psychology Book!

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Kit was waiting for Ming at his Canteen Faculty, so he decide to kill his free time by doing his assignment and while he is typing, he remember about the warning from Wayo ' What am I supposed to do? I like him? Did I ? or did not? ' talk Kit's inner monologue. Actually the reason he want to find 'The Happiness Trap' book is not just because it's fun but the fact that the book can teach you how to deal with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) patient as well which means he interested in that book because of Mingkwan. Kit want to heal Mingkwan's wound fully, because the last thing that he don't want from Mingkwan is that young boy's tears.


'Don't break Ming's heart huh?' I thought in myself then I remember the purpose I want to find that book. The fact that I want to find the book because of Mingkwan alone, I can't find another reason and the fact why I did this for him, I also don't know the reason why but one thing that I know, I don't want to see Ming's tears that he will shed in the cinema again. I don't want to see Ming's fake smile again and I don't want Ming to have a nightmare again. As I was in a deep mind, I heard someone is calling my name " P'Kit? P? P'Kit? " said that voice and later I saw Ming is standing front of me "huh?" that's all I can say. Ming sighed and put his palm on my forehead " you don't have a fever tho.. what's wrong with you lately?? Are you okay P?" asked Ming and I just nodded "I'm okay.. just a little bit stress.. I have a lot of assignment to submit this weekend.. that's all.." I answered him.

Ming POV

Lately I noticed P'Kit always dozing off, what is wrong with him? Even right now he is dozing off, is it really because of the assignment? Or am I the reason for it? Did I make him uncomfortable? Did I force him with me? What the hell you are thinking now Mingkwan? Just pursue your love. He didn't said he hate it right? That means I'm allowed to court him right? As I was walking to our car in my deep thinking, I felt someone pull me closer to him "Mingkwan!! Watch your steps!!" yelled P'Kit and I'm still dumbfounded and later I saw a trench right in front of me "Sorry P.." I said. When we got into my car, I started the conversation "have you eaten yet P? Are you hungry?" I asked him. P'Kit nodded "yeahh.. I'm hungry.. I haven't eaten yet.. I'm fighting with my thesis.." answered P'Kit. I nodded "so? Let's eat first.. where you wanna eat P? what you wanna eat?" I asked him but p'Kit shrugged his shoulder "just anywhere I can't find your crazy fans.." answered him. Why did I feel a jealousy in his answer? So I can't help smirked at his answer "why P? afraid I may fall in love with one of them and stop courting you huh?" I asked him.


I shrugged my shoulder "just anywhere I can't find your crazy fans.." I said because I feel annoyed with them dare to flirt with Ming front of me. I saw Ming smirked "why P? afraid I will fall in love with one of them and stop courting you huh?" asked him and of course I lied eventhought Ming hit me on the nail. I scoffed and said "so full with yourselves huh? It's just annoyed me.. they won't let me eat in peace.. they can find you or flirt with you when I'm not there.. jeez..". Ming smile " I'm sorry P.. I didn't know that would happen.. err.. if you don't mind.. how about at my P'Kim's hotel? It's nearby with the mall.. can we P?" asked him cautiously I would said. Well actually I don't mind but I care about the money because the price would be triple expensive than outside and I don't have enough money with me right now. I nodded slowly " but I don't have enough money.. we need to stop at the ATM first.." I said and Ming laughed while I'm just furrowed my eyebrows " don't worry P.. it's on my P'Kim treat.. don't need to waste your money.." said Mingkwan "Ohh.. Okay.." and I nodded.

We arrived at P'Kim hotels and I'm kind of startled when all the staff greet Mingkwan "Sawadee Khrub Khun Mingkwan..". Ming hold my hand and walked to the counter asked for his P'Kim while I'm looking around the hotel later I heard one of their staff " Is that Khun Mingkwan's boyfriend?? He's cute.. they look good together.. Khun Mingkwan is handsome as always.. just like our CEO.." said her and my face is burning. "Let's go P.. P'Kim asked us to wait him at the restaurant.." said Ming and I'm let go my hand from his grip " I'll follow you from behind.. no need to hold my hand.." I said. Mingkwan is pouting front of me "Aww P.. you should just let me hold your hand.." said him and walked front of me while I'm following him.

We are ordering the food actually I let Mingkwan do it because I feel uncomfortable with this 'King' situation when all the staff is watching us. While Ming is ordering, I heard a manly voice coming from the entrance " Are you that hungry nong? You sure you can finished it all?" said that man that I assume as P'Kim before he introduced himself "hello there.. I'm Kim.. Mingkwan brother and you can call me P'Kim too.. if you want too.." said him while as for the handshake. I'm gladly replied his handshake and wai to him "Sawadee Khrub P.. I'm Kit..". He nodded "Hey nong.. what are you doing at here? Even ask me to eat dinner with you?" asked p'Kim. Ming let out a smile, a pretty smile " because P'Kit want to find a book at this area.. and we are hungry.. and I'm kind of missing my P as well.." said Ming and P'Kim ruffles his hair "I miss you too naaa... sorry I can't visit you often.. so? How's your life? Is it bored like usual?" asked P'Kim and here I'm just fascinating the fact that cool Mingkwan turn into a choding kid (childish) when he is front of his brother.

 so? How's your life? Is it bored like usual?" asked P'Kim and here I'm just fascinating the fact that cool Mingkwan turn into a choding kid (childish) when he is front of his brother

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

(p/s : This is Sattapong Hongkittikul Instagram Profile (@gotsattapong21) 

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

(p/s : This is Sattapong Hongkittikul Instagram Profile (@gotsattapong21

Ming shakes his head "nope.. not anymore.." said Ming and P'Kim asked "why? Found something?" and Ming looked at me then nodded. P'Kim smile teasingly at Ming "Ohho.. my brother is in love huh? I still remember someone admit he is a demisexual.. if you love him that much and planned to marry him.. tell me.. I will sponsor my hotel's hall for your wedding and I will sponsor for your first night budget too.." said P'Kim to blushing Mingkwan. Oh My God! Mingkwan is blushing and I actually don't get what they are talking about because I'm too hungry to focus. After for awhile, the food is coming and it's heaven. Thank you book! Because of you I get to eat an expensive dinner and witnessing a blushing Mingkwan and guess what? I need to admit that he looks cute.

A/N : long time no see.. :)

You Trap Meحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن