Chapter 2 : Dark Memories

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End of school year has coming and the bestfriend decide to have fun at Disneyland. They play lot of fun ride and watching the parade together. They kept talking about the park until Wayo bumped into a guy. Wayo fall in love at the first sight with that guy and the deep voice wake him up from his dream "I'm so sorry.. Are you okay?" asked that guy and Wayo can only nodded due to his star struck. Wayo look at the guy until he disappeared "Oii Ming.. I think I fall in love with that guy.. Am I crazy now?" asked Wayo and received a smacked from Ming "How can falling in love is crazy?? Then I guess our parents are crazy too.. idiot.. let's go.." said Ming and drag Wayo but stopped when Wayo stepped on something "Shit.. This is that guy passport.. What should we do now?" asked Wayo and Ming shrugged his shoulder "Bring it to the police station tomorrow.. it's late already.." said Ming.

The next day as promises, Wayo came to Ming hotel to pick him up. "Ming.. let's watch horror movie after we've done at the police station.. I'm kinda craving for a scary things today.. naa.. naa.." beg Wayo and Ming rolled his eyes "Yes darling Wayo.. everyone would think you are my younger brother or my boyfriend instead of a friend.." scoffed Ming. After Ming had done, they want to drop key at the front desk and while they were waiting, Wayo heard a familiar voice "Excuse me, Did someone dropped my passport at the counter yesterday? I lost my passport.." said that guy . wayo remember the passport he found "Err.. excuse me sir.. is this yours?" asked Wayo and handing the passport to that guy. "Oh My God.. thank you kid.. thank you,, how should I repay you?" asked that guy and Wayo blushing "it's okay.. you don't need to repay me.. I just want to know what's your name and where are you from.. that's it.." said Wayo. They take their sit at the lobby "my name is Phana.. I come from Thailand.. I came here for travelling.. how about you?"asked Pha. "I'm from Thailand too but I live here.. so I'm not really good in Siamese.. sorry.. my name is Wayo and this is my bestfriend Mingkwan.." explained Wayo and Pha nodded "I know you and him.. you guys are quite a popular kid.. I've gotta now.. hope to see you again.. thank you Nong Wayo.." said Pha and bid them a goodbye. "Looks who's happy now.. you like the attention.. aren't you.. he called you Nong Wayo..Ohho.." asked Ming and Wayo smiled sheepishly "Do you think I can meet him again?" asked Wayo. "Who knows? Maybe yes or maybe not.. you said you want to watch a horror movie.. let's go now.." said Ming and they drove to the mall.

Ming didn't like to watch movie at the cinema because for him it would be more comfortable to watch it at home but because of his bestfriend he just comply with it. For time being the movie was running, Ming fall asleep on Wayo's shoulder until the end of the movie but then they heard few girls were screaming and pointing their finger at Ming and the person sit beside him. Ming open his eyes because of the scream and saw a knife full of blood on his hand. His reflex action makes him release the grip and throw the knife on the floor and when he looks beside him, he saw a person sit beside him full of blood on his clothes. When the police come, they took Ming and Wayo for interrogation and the stain blood on Ming's clothes, Ming's fingerprint at the knife that was used as the killing tools by the killer makes Ming become the suspect for the cases. All those evident makes Ming sleep in the prison for a years on and off as their prosecutor are trying their best to proof Ming's innocent. His parents can't believe that Ming would do something like that and they need to do a press conference and repent themselves. Wayo also can't believe what happened to his bestfriend and Wayo believe someone was trying to frame Ming's family so he asked his dad to help Ming meanwhile Ming's brother, Kim was too shocked with the news. Kim decided to investigate by himself about his brother cases because for him there's no way his younger brother would kill that person if he didn't bring any harm to himself. After for few months, they investigate the cases again and again, they found out that the person behind all of those cases was Ming and Kim's parents enemies order. They did it to makes Ming's and Wayo's families turn into bankruptcy so that they can turnover their business and be on the top.

After the cases are closed and the real murderer got arrested, Ming's parents sent off him to Thailand and stay with his brother Kim because they want to clear all the mess for awhile and it also due to Kim's request but Ming didn't believe it and thought that his parents hates him. Even after for many time his parents denied the words, Ming still blame himself for everything and being traumatized with it until he can't step to the cinema and watching movies again especially horror. The fact that his parents business are shaken and everything so he complied with his parents command to stay with his brother at Thailand. Ming and Wayo meet up at the restaurant nearby with Ming's hotel "Yo.. I'm going back to Thailand and stay with P'Kim.." said Ming in disheartened voice but Wayo just nodded "I'll go with you.." said Wayo. Ming smacked Yo's head " Crazy.. They will makes a fuss later.. you know I have a record.. I have been in the prison Yo.." said Ming and Wayo just shrugged his shoulder "Who cares.. I'm going to follow you around.. you won't going anywhere without me buddy.. let them talk what they want.. as long as I know.. you are not a bad guy.. I don't mind.. beside.. I might see that guy again.." said Wayo with a smile and Ming smile back " Mehh.. so it's not because of me? You are the best friend I've ever had.. but what if your parents won't allowed it.." asked Ming. "Actually.. I know it before you know.. I'd accidentally heard our parents conversation.. and I immediately asked my parents permission to follow you.. they give me a green light.." explained Wayo. "They just throw me away because I'm a useless son.. who makes their business down.." said Ming in a cracked voice. "No!! You're wrong.. they sent you to P'Kim to train you to be a good businessman.. and to make you forget your dark memories as well.. you're not useless Ming.. get rid of that from your head.." said Wayo to defend his friend and Ming just smile.

-End of Flashback-

P/s : this idea came from my experience when my junior got framed with her parents enemies and she is the one to be blame.. they make her sick and lay on the bed for 3 months.. so guys please beware of ur surrounding.. dont trust people easily..

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