Chapter III: in which she's the water girl

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I woke up to a finger sliding up and down my arm. "Wake up, Koda."

I mumbled something and snuggled closer to him.

"I'm going to tickle you." He wouldn't.

He did. I jolted fully awake pushing him away. "Okay, okay" I gasped between laughs. "What time is it?"

"Around ten." He stood up and offered me a hand. "Let's go home."

* * *

It was Friday, game day, and I was having my two-week mandatory FaceTime session with Amanda. She is in Michigan, and ever since we started college we agreed to have FaceTime sessions every two weeks. I've stuck to it. Even when we only talk to each other to let the other one know we can't make it.

I told her about my deal with Trevor and my two awful first dates. She laughed, pretty much like Trevor did, and when the humor wore off she helped me with an outfit for today's game.

"Why are you so worried about your outfit anyway?" She was looking for something, so all I saw was  her super curly black hair on the screen.

"Because it is the first game of the season." I said for the fourth time. "Are you helping me or not?"

"Just wear a hoodie and get over it." She made a waving gesture with her hand from wherever she was.

"I'm not going to wear a hoodie. It's too hot for that." I explained, again.

"You can always ask for one of Trevor's jerseys." She came back to the frame and winked.

"You're impossible." I rolled my eyes. "I have to go now, or I'll be late. I'll figure something out."

"Bye, girl." She blew a kiss.  "Tell me all about your date."

She hung up with a giggle before I could say anything. I shook my head smiling. Amanda has this crazy idea that at some point Trevor and I are going to end up together. She has had that idea since sophomore year in high school and still firmly believes that it is a done deal. I mean sure, he has drooling-when-you-see-him looks, one of the greatest personalities I know, and my guy bestie; but that's it.

At some point in high school I had a crush on him, and ever since Amanda is convinced we are meant to be. Nothing ever happened because he had a girlfriend and I moved on. The guy is setting me up with his friends, that is the kind of friendship we have.

I settled on a simple UCLA t-shirt with jeans shorts and sneakers. Not giving it much more thought. The apartment was quiet because Trevor left hours ago. He told me to wait for him outside the locker rooms, so when the cab dropped me off there is where I go. He said we could drive to the after party together, so I left my car behind.

I sent a text to Trevor, letting him know that I'm already here. The game starts in half an hour and I don't know what to do. Usually I would be looking for a seat with Kate, but since I'm Trevor's slave for the night I need him to point me in the right direction.

Soon after he came out of the locker room in full gear, with his golden helmet balanced between his arm and hip. He looked even taller with the blue jersey and gold tights. "Hello, Hun 'bun"

"What's up with the nickname?" I asked with a straight face.

"I thought it was funny" He shrugged.

"I've got one for you."

"Shoot." He smirked .

"Boo Boo." I was the one smirking now.

"Please don't call me that." He winced.

"It suits you, Boo Boo." I patted him in the shoulder. The coach came out followed by the rest of the team. I got a few hellos from some of the guys when the walked by, but only Matt stops to say hi. He is the quarterback of the team, one of Trevor's best friends, and Kate's boyfriend. They started going out in the summer and they are one of the reasons I decided to go with the crazy dating plan.

"Did I just hear her call you Boo Boo?"

"Yes!" I replied cheerfully. Trevor groaned. "Hey, Matt."

"I hear you are going to be the water girl this season, Dax." Mathew crossed his arms over his chest.

"It was this idiot's idea." I pointed at Trevor with my thumb.

"Hey!" He complained.

"We should get going. The game is about to start, and Coach will kill us for being late." Matt walked away. "Let's go, Boo Boo. "

I barked a laugh.

* * *

It was half time now. I thought this was going to be more fun, but I was wrong. They game is great, I've always loved a good football match. Trevor has managed to score two touch downs, and number 31 another one. The problem was that I am indeed the water and towels girl. It is awful. I was expecting to have a VIP seat to watch the game. I thought Trevor was joking. The coach has been on my heel asking for clean towels and refills of the thermos.

When the defense was playing I tried to file my complaint to Trevor, but the coach heard and told us that if "the girlfriend" wants to be here I must work. When they came out of the field I walked straight to Trevor.

"I quit!" I told him shoving his towel and thermos in his arms with one hand, while pulling the basket full of clean towels. Some of the guys came asking for one and I kept shoving towels into everybody's hands. Trevor was patting his face and neck with his, silently laughing at me. My face was probably tomato red by the amount of annoyance I was feeling.

"Dakota! Where is the water?" Coach Harris said from behind me.

"I want to kill you!" I threw another towel at Trevor's face before walking away to find the thermos. I heard his laughter from behind me.

Aside from me slaving to the football team, I had a good time. Trevor performed this amazing reception that scored the final TD. We won by ten points.

We drove to the apartment so that Trevor could shower, and I could change. He came out of his room wearing a clean jersey and jeans. I went for a simple black dress that reached my mid-thighs and a baseball cap with "UCLA" on the front.

"You are the designated driver." I informed him.

"Hell no." Trevor was running a hand through his wet hair to tame it down.

"Trev, it is your turn." I know that nickname always works. "Pretty please, Trev."

"Fine, but I don't want to be dragging your ass to the car."

"None of that. I promise."

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Do you like American football? What team?

A. L. Pecka

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