She was suspended so she didn't have to go to school. How you get suspended at the last day of school I don't know.

She was supposed to be grounded but she doesn't listen and my mom isn't very strict.

" Bye everyone" and we walked out the house.

We walked in silence and I kept my eyes on the ground not really knowing what to say.

I suddenly remembered the yogurt in my hand and smiled. I attempted to open it but it was no use.

I looked up. "hey. Lottie can you open this?"

She looked at me with a smirk. " You really can't do it?"

I rolled my eyes stopping in front of her. Tapping my foot on the ground. " Would I be asking if I could? C'mon now make sense"

She shook her head going to reach for it but stopped.

"Holy shit" I furrowed my eyebrows. " What?" At first I thought it was something on my face until I realized she was looking behind me.

I turned and my eyes widened at the sight.

Red flashing lights. Ambulance. Fire truck and police officers.

"What the fuck is happening over there?" She shrugged. " How would I know?" I shrugged and walked closer. But not too close not wanting to get yelled at or something.

Nothing was happening. The ambulance was empty and the police were just standing there. This lead me to believe what ever was happening was going on inside.

It wasn't until a stretcher was rolled into the house that I really assumed it was serious.

Obviously we stuck around to see what was happening cuz we are really nosey.

I knew we would probably end up late but i didn't care.

Then the stretcher came back on this time someone was on it.

My eyes widened and me and Lottie both stepped forward to get a better look. It was a pale boy. Pretty small, though in reality he was maybe a little younger than me. He was really pale and his lips were turning slightly blue. He had a few scattered bruises that we're pretty obvious even from were I'm standing. He had a mop of greasy curls sat at the top of his head.

I felt something in my chest like an ache. It pained me to see someone, especially someone so young in this state.

Lottie gasped covering her mouth with a shaky hand. " Oh my God. Louis is he-"

I shrugged limply not really knowing what to say if he really is.

" That's horrible" I mumbled seeing the vicious bruises around his frail looking neck. I couldn't help but wonder if maybe he... Killed himself.

Everything seemed rushed the paramedics ran to the back of the ambulance placing the stretcher with the boy on it. The cops followed. Some went in the house.

It was a second later when a terrifying scream was heard. " No!" Followed by a women in pajamas rush out the house running towards the ambulance. The officers held her back. But she struggled with them fiercely. Shaking violently, screaming and crying.

" No! M-my son! HARRY!"

" LET ME FUCKING GO YOU PIECE OF- UGH!" she screamed desperately trying to be freed from their hold. " Ma'am please. Calm down. I know it's hard."

" No you don't! Let me see my fucking son!"

" Harry baby!! Oh my God. This can't be- on my God my baby. Harry!"

She yelled out things that didn't even make sense and I could almost feel the pain in her voice.

Lottie was in tears as she watched the scene unfold.

I grabbed her hand tenderly trying to comfort her.

Over near the ambulance the back doors were open so I could see them but the oxygen mask on him and give him CPR. And try to get him to wake up but I could tell there was no use.

A minute later a paramedic got out the truck and walked towards the women. He had a sad look on his face and I couldn't help but step closer in anticipation.

I was scared. I don't know why cuz I didn't even know who He was but I really wanted him to say the boy would live.

But I knew that wouldn't happen.

The mother. I assume broke down as soon as the guy walked over just by the look on his face. He shook his head and said in a soft voice. " I'm so sorry ma'am we did all we could. He's gone."


The day went by slow. We didn't do anything in class but have free time and some people helped the teachers clean and clear out their classrooms.

I couldn't really think straight not after what i saw this morning as soon I got to school I told my best friend Liam and he was pretty sad too. It wasn't like we knew him but it was just fucked up that someone died, especially if he'd killed himself like I suspected.

We we're in lunch right now and I was sat with my friends.

Stan, Liam, zayn, perrie, Selena, jasmine, Sophia, Justin, Dylan, Cole and my girlfriend Eleanor.

We was all talking when the cafeteria doors swung open. " Harry!?" A frantic boy yelled catching everyone's attention.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion watching the blondish boy walk around. He looked around stopping at some people asking them something. I couldn't hear what they said cuz they were kinda far.

Then he stopped infront of my table.

" Uh." He breathed sounding out of breath and worried.

" Have any of you guys seen my friend harry? Harry styles?"

I froze knowing I heard that name somewhere.

" Harry baby!! Oh my God. This can't be- on my God my baby. Harry!"

Oh my God.

" W-what does he look like?" I questioned but something told me that was him.

" Hmm. Uh. Small. Kinda average height but really skinny. Brown curly hair. Really pale. Green Eyes. "

And I gasped quietly. " Oh my- I'm so sorry" was the first thing I said. I didn't know what to do.

How do I tell someone their friend is dead.

He looked confused and scared. " Oh my what?? What are you sorry for." He said frantically practically bouncing infront of me.

" H-he. I saw him this morning... I'm sorry. . I think ... he's Gone"

He stepped back whimpering quietly. He swallowed. " How? What... How would you know"

" I saw him. This morning. There was ambulance and-" I didn't even get to finish before he let out a small sob and ran out the cafeteria.

A/N: prologue! How was it guys? Should it have been sader? I'm sorry I'm really bad at writing emotions like greif and stuff but hey. I tried.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2020 ⏰

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