Chapter XVIII: in which she meets the family

Start from the beginning


I could hear Trevor in my head. "Are you kidding?"

Just tell me his name!

I wrote back. His text came a few minutes later.

You're unbelievable... Jason.

I sighed. Jason had bought our tickets and we walked to the skate's section. We asked for our sizes and awkwardly walked on the skates to the rink.

"Ready?" James offered his hand.

"Sure." I took it.

* * *

"I want to die" I whispered to the phone, leaning on the sink.

"Did you forget his name again?" Trevor's voice sounded too loud.

"Shh, no." I moved to the door to hear if anybody was near. My voice was above a soft breeze. "I agreed to come to his place because he said he was a great cook and that he had some lasagna ready."

"That doesn't sound too bad."

"The problem is that he lives with his parents." I tried to make him understand.

"Okay... That could be awkward."

"They're having a family dinner."

I'm met with silence on the line.

"I see." Idiot Trevor snickered.

"Dumbass!" I covered my mouth praying nobody heard. "They are like ten people here. His grandparents are here."

"Only you get yourself in these situations." Trevor was trying to contain his laughter, but I could still hear him. "How did you manage to call me?"

"I said quick hellos and asked for a bathroom." I explained. "Can you come pick me up? I can say that it's an emergency with one of our friends."

"I don't know..."

"Don't be an ass right now!" I hissed. "I'm sending you the location. I have to go, bye."

I hung up before he could say no. I couldn't get a well needed break because someone kicked on the bathroom's door. I quickly opened it to one of Jason's aunts.

"All yours." I smiled awkwardly and gestured to the bathroom.

"Thank you, sweetheart." Margaret, I think that was her name, smiled.

I walked back to the living room where the whole family was chilling together waiting for the lasagna to warm up in the oven. As soon as I walked in the room everyone quieted down. Jason waved his arm from a loveseat in the corner. I wiggled between his grandfather and an uncle to sit beside him. The whole time his family stared.

"So... Dakota." Jason's mother spoke up. "Jason told us that you're boyfriend and girlfriend now."

I choked on a laugh. I noticed Jason turning red. All I could make myself do was raise an eyebrow.

"Yes, we just had a date at the ice rink." Jason offered.

"That's lovely!" Theresa, Jason's aunt, commented.

"Um... yes." I had to cut in. Trevor would get her at any moment and I had to let them know that I'm leaving and never coming back. Thought, that last part was just for my knowledge. "Unfortunately, I won't be able to stay for dinner."

Jason's mother gasped, Theresa dropped her wine and Jason stood up from the loveseat. This was too much. It was over the top and filled with unnecessary drama.

"Why not?" It was Jason that finally asked.

"A friend had an accident and I have to get to the hospital." I improvised. "Someone is coming to pick me up."

"I can drive you." Jason offered.

"Yes, sweetheart, after all he is your boyfriend." Theresa interjected.

"That won't be necessary." I could sense that the bomb was about to blow up, thankfully there was a horn blaring from outside the house. Trevor, my savior, announcing his arrival. "In fact, my drive is here. I'm so sorry to leave you like this, but I have to get going."

I moved. I texted Trevor that I was coming and went from relative to relative saying goodbyes. Everyone was super nice, giving me warm hugs. Jason's grandmother even told me she was happy he finally found someone. I felt guilty and awkward. Jason walked me to the door. I didn't know if I should mention anything about our "relationship status" or just get the hell out and never look back.

"I'm sorry about that." Jason was the first to speak. "Let me explain."

I didn't say anything. We were standing a few feet away from the closed door and I could still hear the chatter on the other room.

"My parents have been pressuring me about finding a girlfriend. I'm not interested in a relationship..."

What? I was shocked. This asshole only wanted to use me. What was the point of this date?

"...and to get them off my back I thought a date wouldn't hurt. Things got out of hand."

"So, you're telling me..." I had to cut in. "...that this date was just some staged trick to get your family off you back?"

"Yes." He nodded. I could appreciate his honesty. "I have a proposition for you."

Oh, no. I could bet my non-existent salary that I was sure on the kind of proposition he was going to give me.

"Would you mind being my fake girlfriend?"

"I knew you were going to ask me that!" I headed to the door and opened it. "You are out of your mind!"

I walked out, slamming the door on his face. Unbelievable!

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A. L. Pecka

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