Chapter XIII: in which she chills with a rodent

Start from the beginning

"I can't believe how dense you are." Kate shook her head.

"Clearly I'm missing something that you are not, so please. Would you care to enlighten me?"

"Trevor likes you." She took another sip from her latte.

"Of course he likes me." Now I rolled my eyes. "We've been friends forever."

"Are you serious right now, Dakota?"

"He likes you..."

"I know!"

" more as a friend."

"That's crazy." I laughed nervously. "He doesn't like me like that."

"You are in denial. You are a smart girl. Maybe you really didn't notice it before your conversation yesterday, but you sure as hell know it now."

I hated that she was right, but it was not possible. It was just not possible. He cannot like me. He's had girlfriends before. We are like best bros. We play videogames together, watch football together, he has told me about his girl problems. We are flat mates. It was just not possible.

"He never said anything." I bit my lower lip fiddling with my fingers.

"Not with words, maybe you should pay more attention."

Could it be? And if so, what was I going to do?

* * *

It was Wednesday and time for my date. I was meeting with a Sammy guy at a local bar for drinks. He promissed that they would let me drink even though I was not 21 yet. I was secretly hopping that they wouldn't so that I could leave early. I was in no mood for a date. Trevor was avoiding me. I hadn't seen him since the weekend. When I returned from my chat with Kate I found a note at the table saying that he was going to stay with Matt for a few days because the had football stuff. In translation: bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, I'm running away. I didn't even see him in the classes we shared. I felt like this was just a huge over reaction. Wasn't it easier for us to just talk about it?

I sighed and turned my ignition off. I had been waiting outside the bar for ten minutes, trying to postpone the inevitable. I was planning on having one beer and bolt in the next hour. I just knew that Sammy guy was not going to by my guy. Oddly enough, since my talk with Kate all I could thing about was what would it be like to be with Trevor as more than friends. Most people said that you should marry your best friend. Marry?  Gosh, what was wrong with me?

I shook my head and climbed off the car. I made my way to the door and took a deep breath before walking in with a fake smile. Even if I didn't want to be here, I was not going to be rude. I scanned the almost empty room and found a guy sitting alone at one of the tables that matched the description Trevor gave me via napkin. African american with short hair and earing in just one side. He was wearing a huge raincoat that made him look ridiculous in this weather.

"Sam?" I asked when I was a few feet away.

He turned my way and smiled. "Yes, Dak."

Okay, weird nickname.  I give him a tight smile and took a seat before he decided to stand up and do something gentelman-ly.

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