Chapter X: in which he gets a concussion

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"It is what it is." Chris shrugged. "We still have two quarters left."

"They already got to Matt three times." I argued. "We can't keep this up. Season is just starting."

"Coach will probably give an inspiring pep talk." He smirked. "Right, Coach!?"

"Those idiots will hear me!" The Coach shouted from somewhere. I laughed.

Second quarter ended and I jumped to my feet, ready with towels and bottles. I was starting to like my new job. I was meeting everyone on the team and they were starting to count on me to be there, even after the few games they've had.

"You okay from that last fall?" Trevor took the water I'm offering.

"Just a little sore. Don't worry about me." He smiled.

"I can't believe them." I sighed exasperated. "If they're good, they're good. There's no need for violence."

"Don't over stress." He ruffles my hair and walked away.

"Hey!" I complained patting my hair. I don't like it when he treats me like a child.

A few minutes later the game resumed and my anxiety levels rose. Coach gave his pep talk, but apparently so did the other coach. They came back to the field ready to kill. It got worse when the score was tied. At some point I stood up but didn't realize it until Chris commented on it.

"You can sit down, you know?" I waved him away.

Third quarter was almost over, we were forty yards away to untie the game. Trevor was free and Matt sent a short pass. Number 32 was back but Stevens tackled him and Trevor ran  through the opening. Everything was caos. Three players escaped the line and came straight at Trevor. Someone tried to cover him, but it was too late. His helmet flew off and Trevor was on the ground with four people on top of him. I tried to run to him but Chris held me back.

"What the fuck!?" I was screaming.

"Hey, hey, hey, you can't go in there." Chris was holding my shoulders.

Everyone was scrambling to their feet. Trevor still on the ground holding his shoulder. Matt got there in a second, offering his arm to help him up. Someone handed him his helmet and he nodded in thanks. Players got back in their positions for the next play while Trevor walked out of the field. I was bouncing in my feet waiting for him.

Once he crossed the field line I crashed into him with a hug. He stinked, but I didn't care. "You're okay." I whispered.

He hugged me back. "You worry too much."

"Your helmet flew off. You could've been severely injured." He pushed me back to the bench still hugging.

"I'm okay. Maybe a concussion." He reassured me letting go. "My head hurts a little."

"You okay, bro?" Chris asked as Trevor sat.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

I shook my head. I needed something to do. I refilled the thermos with water and energy drink just to keep my hands busy. The game went on and Matt threw a pass that got them 1st and goal, and then they used ground terrain to score. Forth quarter ended by without further injuries. We won by three points.

Matt came running our way. "We did it guys! After those assholes pulled that shit out, we still did it."

Trevor and him did that high five fist bump thing.

"Where's the party tonight?" Chris asked .

"Where they always are." Matt replied. "You will all be there, right?"

"Sure thing, bro." Chris smiled. 

"Catch you later." Matt waved. Trevor patted him on the back before he ran off.

"I'll be going now, too." Trevor informed.

"Okay, see you, lovebirds." Chris sent us away and I laughed awkwardly.

"Are you gonna shower here?" I turned to Trevor.

"Nah." He grimaced. "I'll do it at home. Come on."

"Give me the keys." I followed behind him.

"What?" He slowed down to wait for me.

"You are not driving with a hit to your head." I declared. "Keys, please."

"I'm okay, Koda. Seriously." He leaned down a little to look me in the eye.

"You are not driving." We were standing in the middle of the parking lot.

"No, you are not driving my car." He talked back.

"It is a nice car." I grinned.

"I know it is." He crossed his arms. With his jersey his muscular arms looked even more... musculy. He owns an Audi A something. I didn't really care about car brands, but his car was so pretty. And he never lets anyone drive. I might as well took the opportunity.

"If I don't drive then we'll be taking a cab, and you'll have to leave your car here." I argued. "I'll drive under the speed limit, and you know I'm a good driver."

"Ugh, fine." He tossed me the keys and I squeaked. "What have I done?"

I lied when I said I was going to drive under the speed limit. If Trevor didn't pass out when he was hit, he might as well pass out now. I laughed when I heard him cursing to himself.

"I'm a great driver!" I complained.

"You are going to fast."

"Sure, dad."

"That's disturbing."

"Chill out." I reached out to pat his knee. "We're here."

"You are not drive no my car again." He finally said when we walked in the apartment.

"We'll see about that." I smirked.

He shook his head. "I'll go shower."

"Maybe we can watch a movie after?" Netflix just uploaded a bunch of new stuff I wanted to check out.

"We are going to the party." He frowned confused.

"Are you out of your mind?" I scolded. "You can't go to a party! You need to rest."

"Worried about me, Pumpkin?" He smirked. Where did that come from? Pumpkin? I started at him. "You know, because of the red hair."

"We beat those jackasses. We have to celebrate!" He justified. "And you are coming too."

"I'm staying. And so are you!" I finalized.

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Hellooo and Happy New Year.

Just a quick update before I crash in exhaustion. I fell asleep at 4am reading and woke up at 9. I'm a 100% a night owl, it's a problem.

Anyways, happy 2019!

A. L. Pecka

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