Chapter V: in which someone cries

Start from the beginning

"I'll have a Coke and 30 regular wings with Mango Habanero." He closed the menu and handed it over to the girl. She nodded and walked away.

"You like spicy food." I declared. The sauce he ordered was the third spiciest sauce on the menu.

"Yes, can't live without it." He opened his arms for emphasis.

"I've never been good with spicy food. Whenever I try it I end up with gastritis." I laughed.

"Happens to everyone."

I nodded in agreement. "Anyways, you were telling me about your major."

We continued with the small talk. I told him that I was majoring in bioengineering, and he talked about his older brother. The waitress came back with our food. I could see how hot the wings Matias ordered were. I was slightly worried for his health. How was he going to eat 30 of them? Mine looked delicious, BBQ sauce never fails.

I finished three of my wings and looked up to Matias. There was sweat coating his forehead. He kept drinking from his Coke.

"Are you okay?"

"Perfect!" He answered. "Tell me more about your mayor."

I talked while looking at a catastrophe in the making. I had only six boneless left, and Matias managed to finish ten of the thirty he ordered. Every time he chewed a new one I winced. He was a deep shade of red and there was a thick layer of sweat on his forehead. He used his napkin, so I slid mine discreetly to him. He gave me a thankful smile, whipping his face.

"You don't have to eat them all." I finally told him. "Do you want what's left of mine?"

"No! I'm not going to take your food." He smiled. It looked like it pained him. "I love spicy food."

I didn't know what to say, so I kept eating. I finished my wings and noticed that Matias had another fifteen left. I swear he was about to start crying. Wait. He was crying. He ran a finger under his eyes to wipe the tears away.

"Matias, seriously, those are going to give you a terrible stomach ache." I was honestly worried for him. This could not be healthy.

"I'm perfectly fine!" He choked out. He cleared his throat before continuing. "You don't have to worry about me."

I gave him a tight smile. I excused myself to the bathroom. With the liter of water I drank, I need to pee. I walked to the bathroom, did my business and washed my hands. When I returned to the table Matias was a mess. There were tears streaming down his face, the waitress was carrying three bottles of water ready to give him another whenever he finished one. He kept shoving chicken wings in his mouth. His shirt was covered in Mango Habanero sauce. There were napkins lying on the floor around him and everyone was staring at him with grimaces and scruched up faces.

He hadn't seen me, but the waitress did. She must have noticed the horrified look on my face. She was looking around and catched the manager's attention. The forty-year-something came to ask if everything was okay. Matias had eight wings left. I was to shocked to do anything but stare at him. Suddenly he stood up. Everyone took a quick step back and Matias bolted for the bathroom.

The waitress, the manager and I looked at each other. The manager asked me. " Is he going to be okay? I don't want a law suit for health issues."

"Blind date." I answered. As if that was going to explain anything. The waitress patted my shoulder in a comforting gesture.

"Should we get rid of the remaining five?" I asked them, gesturing to the chicken wings.

"Maybe we should let him finish them?" The waitress' name tag read Sally. Sally turned to the manager for an answer.

"The things boys do for girls." He ignored Sally and looked at me with disapproval.

"I didn't tell him to do it!" I defended myself. "He was the one that kept going about how much he loves spicy food. This is terrible. I wish I had my car."

I sit taking one of the bottled waters that Sally left on the table. "Can I have the check please?"

"Sure thing, Ma'am." The manager walked away. It felt so weird when he called me that.

Matias returned at the same time the manager showed up. When the manager gave him the check he looked at me confused. "You want to leave already?"

"I have something at seven. I have only two hours to get ready." I came up with the excuse. "I hope that's fine."

"Sure. No problem."

"We can split the check." I offered.

"Of course not!" He got out his credit card and gave it to the waitress. "Maybe next time is your treat."

Next time? Hell no. "Sure." I lied.

We drove the short distance back to the apartment. I gave him back the helmet and he walked me to the door.

"I had an extraordinary day today."

Oh, I was sure it was extraordinary.

"It was nice." I commented. Being rude was not in me. He leaned with one arm on the door, caging me against it.

"What-what are you doing?" I stammered shrinking against the door.

He kept coming closer and I laughed nervously. The moment I felt his breath in my face I ducked under his arm and walked backwards until I reached a considerable space.

"Was it too soon?" He came closer. "We can wait."

I looked blindly in my purse for my keys. Moving closer to the front door. "I'll call you."

"You don't have my number, silly." He laughed walking closer.

"I'll ask Trevor." I opened the door quickly and shut it firmly behind me. I puffed a breath to get my hair out of my face.

"I'll wait for your call!" I heard his muffled voice.

I rubbed my face and climbed the stairs to the second floor, relieved that I was finally home. I opened the door to Travis playing X-box in the living room.

"Back so soon?" He didn't turn form the screen.

"Not soon enough." I sat on the floor in front of his legs leaning my back to them. He said nothing, and I finally break the silence. "You're still mad at me?"

He paused his game and looked down at me. "Nah, I was never mad. I just worry for you. Those assholes were looking at you like meat."

"Boys will be boys." I shrugged. He opened his legs so that I could lean between them with my back against the sofa, preventing his feet from impaling my lower back. I mumbled a thanks. He returned to the game.

"Thank you for looking out for me." I finally said.

"You don't have to thank me." He gave me a quick smile. "Do you want to play while you tell me all about your date?"

I grabbed a controller and told him everything. Throughout my unfortunate tale he looked suspiciously pleased. Weird.

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Next chapter tomorrow!

A. L. Pecka

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