Chapter II: in which she gets a proposal

Start from the beginning

"You don't like vegetables?" I asked to make small talk.

"I do. I just don't eat them when I'm not at home. Who knows if they are properly cleaned." He explained. He did have a point. Even thought restaurants have strict quality norms, you can never be sure.

We kept the small talk going until the waiter came back with our order. My hamburger looked delicious. Juicy meat, grilled cheese and sun kissed bread had my mouth water. I turned to Trevor to see what he ordered. He ate something before we left, but knowing him he's probably going to eat again, and I'm right. He ordered a vanilla milkshake with French fries and a hotdog with chili. I'm slightly suspicious that that was his second hotdog. He winked at me from across the room. I turned back in time to see Josh licking mayonnaise of his fingers. He gave me a breadcrumb-filled smile before slurping into his Sprite. Ew.

I slowly ate my food, sneaking ocasional glances at Josh. When he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand I quickly looked at Trevor. He made a gagging gesture. I shook my head, pursing my lips.

"Do you want some?" Josh said between bites.

"Um, no, thanks." I answered.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I still have to finish my food."

"You've barely touched it." He complains.

"I'm a slow eater."

"More like a picky one." He took another bite of what was supposed to be a baguette, but in reality, just looked like a mess. "Don't tell me you are one of those that just eats salads trying to impress me. Let it be noted. I am not impressed."

What the fuck?

"I... I don't know what to say."

"I don't know if I can keep up with a picky eater." He states with finality. He was liking his fingers again.

"Okay... I am not picky." I'm not even sure why I'm trying to get my point across. I once again looked at Trevor for moral support. We exchanged the best-friend look. I shook my head letting him know that I can still resist the front.

"I'm glad." We fell into an uncomfortable silence. I tied not to choke on my food, with my appetite long gone I was trying to finish de damn thing before Josh made another one of his weird comments.

I needed a break. I excused myself to the ladies' room. I wetted my hands with cold water and patted my cheeks to cool them down a little. I stared at myself in the mirror. What did I get myself into?

My honey eyes are wide and startled. Like a deer caught in headlights. I still can't believe this Josh guy said all that. I debated to put my long coopery hair in a bun but decided against it. I don't like to eat with my hair in my face, but I was almost finished with my food anyways.

When I came out of the bathroom Trevor was cracking up. I gave him a puzzled look, but otherwise ignored him. I walked to the table and the moment Josh saw me he stood up from the chair and got down on one knee.





I was going to kill Trevor. That was the first think that came to my mind. He could have prevented this! That little sucker.

"Dakota Mitchells." How does he know my last name? "I know we haven't known each other for a long time, but I've known you for over a year. You bring light to my life whenever I see you."

That is sort of sweet. No! Dakota, what is wrong with you? This is not sweet! His is psycho.

"You have issues with food but that's okay." He cleared his thoat. "I present to you a promise ring."

Just after he said that, loud laughter filled the cozy restaurant. I threw Trevor a save-me look, but he was too busy laughing at my expense.

Josh was a terrible eater, spilling food all over the place. Called me picky because I didn't want to try his food. HE is the picky eater. Suddenly, he gets on one knee and wants to give me a promise ring. Is he crazy? Yes!

"This ring represents the future that we are going to have together." Josh continued. I wanted to die on the spot. I looked at Trevor again, trying to
catch attention. "Will you accept the promise of us having many, many years together?"

Now is my time to run. If Trevor wants to stay here and laugh until he pees that's his problem. I'm out. "Um, Josh. This is so very sweet and whatnot, but it will be a no from me."

I couldn't help it. My inner clown had to come out in the form of Simon Cowell's famous catch phrase. The only one that laughed was Trevor. He had lost his sunglasses whipping his tears and, in that moment, Josh decided to turn around and look straight at him.

"Oh, fuck." Trevor cursed. "Time to run."

Before anyone can react, he tossed a few dollars in the table, stood up, crossed the restaurant, and took my hand to pull me outside.

I only had time for a "I'm sorry, Josh" before we were running down the street.

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Can you imagine going on a date with someone so intense?

A. L. Pecka

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