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Word Count: 1572

The not-so-subtle click of a camera and flash of white pulled Millie out of her much-needed sleep, a groan leaving her lips as she opened one eye ever so slightly. Her eye met with a smirking Finn, his curly, messy hair covered his face as he leaned forward. "What're you doing?" Millie practically whined, rolling over and pulling the blanket over her.

The other side of the bed sunk and the blanket yanked off of Millie's body; the cold air hitting her skin. A scratchy scream left her mouth as she lost just about any chance of falling back asleep. "Look! You idiot," Finn smirked, muttering the last part as he held up a camera.

Millie's head was still foggy from sleep, her eyebrows furrowing for a few seconds before the realization hit her, "it came!" Her voice was enthusiastic, but she was still lying down on the bed.

Finn, who was now standing back up, nodded frantically, "sure did!" He jumped back onto the bed and Millie wondered how he had so much energy this early in the morning. "At least now the school will stop getting angry at me for borrowing their cameras." He finished nonchalantly, but Millie always thought it was funny how angry they'd get when he returned it a day or two late; and even better how this didn't phase Finn in the slightest.

She smiled for the first time that morning at the thought, head turning to look at a concentrated Finn who's eyes were narrowed as he stared at his camera settings. "Well," she sighed, pulling the blanket back over her cold body, "I am happy for you, but I hate you for waking me up earlier than necessary," Finn's eyes were still focused on his camera but he cracked a smile and shook his head lightly, "no, really. It's fine. Come wake me up and then ignore me."

Finn looked up at Millie as if he was making sure she was joking before pulling the blanket off of her again and hopping up off of the bed, "get up, I'll drive you to school." He picked his things up and made his way to her bedroom door, "don't take forever to get ready... but definitely brush your hair!" With that, the door closed and Millie got up to get ready.

Millie sat with her hands fiddling in her lap as she waited for the school's guidance counselor to return to her office. She didn't know why she'd been called to talk to her - although she was certain she'd done nothing wrong, this didn't alleviate the anxiousness that was building as the seconds went by.

"Ms. Brown!" The young and perky woman finally rushed into the room, her eyes darting to the wall clock briefly, "I'm thrilled I caught you before the end of the day!" Unlike other teachers at this school, she seemed genuine and sincere in her enthusiasm.

Millie's leg jiggled subconsciously as the blonde-haired woman (whose name she soon learned was Ms. Cunningham – "but, please, call me Olivia!") sat down at the desk in front of her and flipped through the folder in front of her. "Ah, okay," she sighed as she stopped flipping through the pages and glanced up at Millie, her blue eyes meeting with Millie's brown ones. "How are you, Millie?"

Millie's eyebrows furrowed as she responded, "I'm... I'm good." She pondered her response momentarily before deciding it was the truth, "I guess I just don't understand why I'm here, Ms. Cunningham," she shook her head quickly, first name basis. "Sorry, Olivia, I mean."

Olivia was resting her head on her hands which were leaning on the desk, her concerned eyes piercing Millie's. "Right, of course." She cleared her throat before leaning back in her chair; Millie slouching in her own. "You're not in any trouble, I assure you. I've had a look at your grades – which are exceptional. You're very bright, Millie."

The brunette attempted a smile but couldn't but squirm uncomfortably at the praise. "Thanks..." Millie trailed off, not sure where this conversation could be leading.

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