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Word Count: 1684

Despite the setting sun, dull rays of sunshine flooded through Millie's bedroom. The natural light in conjunction with her warm-toned bulb in the ceiling light illuminated her room and exposed the mess that it had become this Friday afternoon.

There were photos lying about and bits of scrap paper scattered across the carpet, surrounding the girl who was hard at work. Millie was making a scrapbook for two reasons. One of which was to savor the memories of her final year of high school, whilst the other... well, the other was to distract her from how unhappy she had been these past few weeks.

She and Finn hadn't hung out in three weeks, excluding their time at school and the small number of study sessions they'd endured.

At school, they rarely spoke unless it was in a group context and the study sessions were filled with awkward coughs and even awkwarder silences. It was awful.

Millie was eternally grateful for Noah. Sadie was incredible and she loved her with her whole heart, but Noah had been around 24/7, physically and metaphorically.

It hadn't all been doom and gloom, though. Millie had had some good times these past few weeks, but it just felt as though everywhere she looked was a reminder of how Finn and she were no longer friends.

She'd missed having him around and would love to have him back in her life, even if he was a frenemy like he originally was. Anything was better than his absence.

Her eyes diverted to the clock above her desk as she was holding down a photo to stick to the page, she rolled her eyes knowing she had to get prepared for this stupid football match Sadie was, once again, dragging her to.

Well, Gaten - who had also been acting strange recently - was begging her to come, as well. His cousin... or maybe it was a family friend was visiting from out of town and wanted to introduce him to his friends.

She stretched her stiff bones, standing to quickly change out of her pajamas and odd socks and into something that didn't scream, 'I'm a mess and I'm going crazy'.

She left the house and got into Sadie's car wearing jeans and a white sweatshirt, the maximum amount of effort she was willing to put in. She wasn't in too foul of a mood, just exhausted.

Sadie led Millie to where she wanted to sit during the game, coming to halt about halfway up the bleachers and walking down an aisle to empty seats next to Finn, who was slouched down in the chair and staring down at his phone. A hood was hiding his curls and a frown present on his face.

Thankfully, Sadie chose to sit in the seat beside him so she was there to unbreak the very apparent tension.

Millie's focus on the players warming up was broken when Sadie waved to someone walking up the stairs, "over here!" She called, finally grabbing the anonymous boy's attention. Millie assumed this was Gaten's cousin/family friend.

The boy came and sat down next to Millie, offering his hand and giving her a charming smile. He had a beautiful smile, Millie had thought. "You must be Millie? I'm Kyle, Gaten's friend - family friend."

Millie offered him her small hand, which was engulfed with his much larger one. She smiled warmly and couldn't help but admire his blue eyes and chocolate color hair that complimented his olive skin.

"Sorry to interrupt the two of you, but the game's beginning." Sadie teased, shoving Millie playfully.

Millie turned to look at her, but instead, she met a pair of dark brown eyes that were staring right at her. As soon as she looked at Finn, he raised his eyebrows before breaking eye contact and slumping back into the hard plastic chairs. There was an apparent scowl on his face, but Millie knew how he got during their sports games - moody and, well... jealous.

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