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Word Count: 1563

It was Thursday now and the drama from the other night was just about forgotten. Gaten had called Millie later that night and apologized repeatedly and explained how he told Kyle to leave town.

Millie's heart warmed when he said that, it meant a lot that Gaten did that. He's always a good friend – even if they aren't too close; Millie knew she could always count on him and this was a prime example as to why she felt so confident doing so.

Sadie had called her an hour or so after Gaten to make sure she was okay, her voice concerned and softer than usual. Millie could tell that Sadie had been quite preoccupied recently because of how down Caleb had been, and she totally understood.

All of them just wanted to forget it had happened and go back to normal, so they did. So normal that Finn and Millie were currently studying at the school library after school, keeping an eye on the time to avoid spending as much time there as they did last time.

Millie was trying so hard to focus on her work, but she couldn't stop herself from sneaking occasional glances at Finn who had recently got glasses. They looked dorky on him and he hated them, but Millie thought it was adorable. She thought he looked like Harry Potter, but cuter. The sight was so precious in her eyes; his messy, curly hair sitting on top of his freckled face, dark eyes covered in glasses with a thin, round frame. His eyebrows were furrowed in concentration nonetheless, his hand gripping his pen tightly – a habit that she assumed contributed to his awful handwriting. She couldn't stop herself from smiling.

Her eyes must've been staring for too long because his head snapped up, a smirk forming on his lips. "What're you looking at, Brown?" He teased, having known exactly what she was looking at.

She wasn't even embarrassed, he's been caught out staring at her many times, "honestly, I don't even know what it is." She fired back, trying to withhold laughter due to the quiet volume of the library. He pretended to pout at her insult, "kidding, you're just cute." She shrugged, receiving a goofy smile from him before they both turned back to their work. Her voice was still a bit hoarse; the other night when she said she'd gotten over the worst of her cold? Yeah, she was wrong. The next day she had no voice at all. Today, however, she was confident she had actually gotten over the worst of it.

There were a lot of things unsaid between the two, but Millie didn't want to bring any of it up considering how good of a place they were in at the moment. She stopped pretending to study when her phone vibrated with a text; one word from her mother, "dinner?" Despite its vague nature, Millie knew what she was asking.

She replied quickly, "yep!", her mom sending yet another one seconds later – "and Finn?".

"Mom's asking if you want to come over for dinner?" Millie whispered across the table, feeling a bit guilty for disturbing him. He'd been trying so hard recently and she was really proud of his effort, it was admirable.

His face lit up slightly, Finn really loved going to Millie's house. It felt like home to him because it was just her and Winona, who was always so kind to him. He nodded eagerly.

Millie let her mom know, about to return to her fake studying when Finn closed his book, "let's go! I'm bored, you're boring." He joked, already packing his things up.

"Sure, Finn. I don't mind leaving." Millie's tone was dripping with sarcasm, as she packed up her things nevertheless. She'd be telling a massive lie if she said she wanted to stay, she'd finished her work an hour or so ago.

Millie was about to pick up the two textbooks she had to bring, but Finn grabbed them before she could, smiling sweetly. Dork, Millie thought to herself as they left the building.

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