Chapter Three

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Trigger warning: Assault, ableism , blood, emetophobia

Ryuu strode into the room, gaze locked on Jay as he sat down at the table.

"Come and sit; let's talk." He motioned to the empty chair, but Jay stayed motionless.

"I think I'll stay here." Their expression was stoic as they spoke. "I believe it's more comfortable."

"You are going to continue being stubborn, aren't you?" Ryuu clasped his hands together and leaned his chin on top of them. A small, unnerving smile flickered on and off his face for a split second as he waited for an answer.

"It all depends on what you want with me." Jay bit their tongue to keep from saying anything rash. With the way things had been going, they felt uncomfortable giving the man across from them any possible advantage. In their mind, it seemed best to say as little as possible.

"I do not want to hurt you in any way, but you are the reason I am here in this desolate place, and that makes my opinion of you less than positive."

"That's not an answer, and if it was supposed to be threatening, it didn't work. I've never seen you before in my life, so it was useless." A mocking laugh left Ryuu's lips, letting Jay's confidence level lower. Lying wasn't their strong suit, and the way he looked at them made it worse. Their heart began to pound as fear entered into their mind. One solitary, fear-filled realization rushed at her mind: the man sitting only a few feet away from them had at one point killed them, and right now there was nothing to stop him from trying again. With a deep breath, they calmed the beating inside of their and stared defiantly at Ryuu. "All you are to me right now is the person holding me captive, so I'm less than inclined to cooperate."

"What will I need to do to make you more inclined?"

"Nothing; all I want to know is why the hell you decided to abduct me. But that won't make me more inclined."

"Fine; that is a reasonable request." Ryuu leaned back and appeared to relax. "I've met you before, even though I understand you may not remember me. The way you act, the way you interact with others, it's different from anyone else I've seen in this world. Different is something I've been intrigued in, something I'd like you to help me research."

"You're lying; if you really just wanted a subject to research, you should have just asked me."

"You didn't let me finish. I became more intrigued by you when I found out that other people, dangerous people, have noticed something different in you. They have been keeping a close eye on you for quite some time, so it had become too dangerous for me to ask you in the open. By the way, I'm sorry about the way my associates treated you in the bus. Abductors for hire don't listen well to instructions each time."

"So I'm not the first person you've done this to?" Jay couldn't stop the growing tightness in their chest this time; the thought of other people being abducted like this was frightening.

"That's not what I meant, it was supposed to be a joke. I'm sorry if all it did was cause panic; is there any way we could start over? I do have questions to ask you."

"I don't care if you have questions, I won't answer them. You are the person who held me hostage and tried to kill me in that other place. There is no way you'll be able to get me to help you."

"You said before that you did not recognize me."

"I might have been lying."

"Then you should be more careful with your words; I think holding back is revealing more than you intend."

"Or perhaps you're reading too much into what I'm saying." Jay flashed a sassy grin, inwardly feeling as if any chances to escape they could've taken had dissipated. At this point all they could do was sit and fake confidence until Ryuu left. There was still one other issue; in the chaos of the carjacking, they had no chance of grabbing their container of backup medicine. They could feel the last doses of everything wearing off. Soon, the chance of escape were going to be impossible. They tried to check their jacket pockets by crossing their arms over nonchalantly, but stopped when Ryuu began laughing.

"Are you looking for something?"

"Who says I am?"

"Your body language; I told you, holding back may reveal more than you hoped. Is this what you were hoping to find?" He pulled out a clear tube-like container with objects inside which Jay recognized as their backup meds. "I understand these are crucial to keeping you well." As he spoke, he peered at the various pills in the container as a taunt. "How can you you trust such little things? It seems so blind; you should be careful then, medicine can turn against you." Jay felt their body slipping out of control, limbs beginning to shake and heart racing.

Why does medicine need to wear off all at once? Instead of answering the question, Jay set their eyes on the container for one last try at getting it.

"I don't care, I need those."

"To be honest, I never pegged you as a druggie." Ryuu got up and began walking out, container in hand. "How about we think of this situation as incentive for you? Whenever you decide to cooperate, just bang on the door. I'd suggest-" In a flash, Jay rushed for the container with a sudden and last burst of energy. As they reached for it, Ryuu turned and struck. The impact made them keel over, and Ryuu placed a foot on their side to keep their from getting back up.

"You're getting on my nerves Jay. I tried to be kind, and all you repaid me with was insolence. So tell me, why should I keep you alive?"

"I don't know; as long as I'm alive you're able to get to that other place, so I don't care what you do to me." Jay struggled to keep an even breath as Ryuu pushed his foot harder into their side. "It's lose-lose for you either way. Keep me alive and I won't help you. Kill me, and you won't be able to return to where you came from."

"Not necessarily; there might very well be another Realm Runner in this era."

"So go ahead and kill me. I'm useless, aren't I?"

"No! You are truly unique, which is why I will spare you. However..." Ryuu lifted his foot off of Jay, but as the prisoner's body started to roll onto their back he stomped on their side. Jay cried out after a loud crack resounded through the room, unable to take anything more than shallow breaths. "For the pain and despair your existence has brought me, you will suffer." He kicked the now barely moving person, hitting their abdomen and sliding them across the floor. "From this point onward you will be given food and water, barely enough to keep you awake, and I will keep the medicine until you're fully broken. Don't expect help" When no response came, he kicked Jay again, and again. Each time was harder and faster than the last, executed solely to hear them sob and scream for help. "Just stop crying, help won't come!" He sneered, not wanting to stop until they did. "You are alone here, and no one will care enough to rescue you." Eventually their sobbing subsided, only to morph into coughing and gagging as they threw up. Jay had no control anymore; every breath they took was torture, and they was almost positive there was internal damage. They wanted nothing more than to pass out, go unconscious and wake up in a hospital room. This all had to be a nightmare, the kind where a day slowly unravels into hell. Yet, something inside of them felt satisfied at the rage on their captor's face. As much as he wanted to, he knew that killing them right there and then would destroy his plan. The fact that they were able to make him so infuriated somehow was enough to keep them going. Was that twisted? Probably, but it was enough.

Ryuu left without a word, and silence filled the cell. Jay couldn't even lift their head as the pain consumed her. Each time she attempted to crawl back to the bed, her muscles would fail and she would crumple into a heap. As she fell into unconsciousness, she was able to see her surroundings change. The walls turned into tall trees of varying sizes and types, the harsh lighting above into a sea of stars peeking through treetops, and the cold concrete floor into lush, comfortable mossy ground.

Welcome back to the safe haven. Everything seemed to whisper. It's okay, you can heal here. That's all you need to do; heal.

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