"What is it, Pharsa?"

"The Swan K-Kingdom... Has been-" she was cut off by Alucard.

"Is the Swan Kingdom under attack?" He asked hurriedly.

Pharsa looked rather annoyed. "Yes, but who are you?"

"I'm Alucard, a demon hunter."

"Oh yes, I recognize that name. It would be great if you can come to Swan Kingdom and help... There are demons there."

"Demons? Sure I'll go, I was planning on going there anyways."

I cut into their conversation. "Umm... Pharsa... Are we too late? It will be too dangerous to go if we are."

"I left before it was too late, so I'm not sure." Was her answer.

Alucard jumped in again. "We'll- I mean I'll- go there anyways." He got up.

I held him. "No Alucard, it's too dangerous."

"I've defeated tons of demons before. I'll be fine, Rafaela. Stay here and protect the Elven Kingdom against any ambushes."

"No Alucard," Pharsa cut in, "they're no ordinary demons. Most won't even call them demons, actually, but by their actual name. By this time I assume the kingdom has been taken over, so it's too dangerous to go alone."

"I don't care!"

I continued holding onto Alucard so he doesn't run off. "Calm down, Alucard. We will all go with you."


"I said..."

"Alright then, but if there is any sign of danger, hide immediately."

Later... At Swan Kingdom...

Pharsa explained to us what she saw during her visit to Swan Castle in detail while I clenched my fists and say nothing. How could Argus do this?

Suddenly, a tree fell down right in front of us. If this was on purpose, the person who cut that tree has perfect timing and precision.

Alucard pushed Pharsa and I behind him. "Go and hide," he whispered.

We turned around to see a Night Elf. The famous Night Elf, Karina.

Karina grinned and disappeared.

"What an act," Alucard murmured, "I admire her if she was the one who cut down that tree."

Pharsa looked at him, disgusted. "She is most likely an enemy."

Alucard ignore her. "Rafaela, where should we go?"

"I don't know. Ask Pharsa."

He turned to Pharsa.

Pharsa laughed a bit. "Oh, so now you notice my helpfulness. We are going to the Swan Castle, where this chaos started."

At Swan Castle...

I looked at my surroundings. This building is beautiful!

Pharsa looked at me. "I know, isn't the castle beautiful?"

"Yes, it sure is."

"I knew you'd like it, but-" she stopped talking when she saw Alice.

"Why hello, dear Pharsa!" Alice "welcomed" us. "Moskov, come out."

A guy holding a spear stepped out from the shadows.

Alice smiled at him. "Pharsa, Rafaela, Alucard, meet Moskov."

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