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"You mean to tell me Tracy could be family. How can I explain to them that he is the heir to the throne and not me. Here there has never been an African American king in this line. I don't have a problem with him being African American, but the people might. I do have a problem with that he is to be ruling and not I. He is also younger than me by five years."

Artemis walks in. "What's is going on in here."

"Bernice is saying that Tracy might be one of our family members."

"Since when, we are white and he's not."

"Don't be stupid child there is a way. I will have to explain to you later. Apollo why do you think that he is he heir to the throne."

"I remember dad saying that their is only one heir per generation. To be able to know who it is their eyes would turn black. After the ceremony of becoming the high priest their full power will be unlocked. The other high priests would just have the black energy run through their skin. He's eyes turned black. He is a true heir. Rather he is the true heir to our kingdom or another that has yet to be determined."

"That can't be real you are the heir to the throne. Dad said so, he wouldn't lie about this."

"Didn't you hear me. Only one per generation and he is in our generation. We never made made it to high priest and he did. He is the one to lead us and I shall not have it. I will keep him close for a while then I will kill him and all his family."

While driving in the car. "Apollo asked me who practiced dark magic in my family. I was caught off guard. Like I know you told him, but the question of which family member did it was strange. From my knowledge neither of my parents do. That does not mean they didn't, but I just don't know."

"What we are doing will hopefully get your mind off this." Pulling up to Tracy's condo. "I will be back in a hour so we can leave. We still have to visit the strip and a seven hour drive to Reno. We can take my car."

Getting out of the car. "Ok I will see you later." Walks into the condo. "Kelly I have something to tell you."

"What is it."

"I have to leave for a while. Apollo wants us to take over a city for him. We also have to give out new rules to the magical beings."

"No I don't care what Apollo says. You don't have to obey his every command."

Screaming. "Yes I do. You don't understand. I don't want to die. I rather be alive and do everything he says than be dead. He will kill me if I don't do what he says. You think as one of he's closest friends he would let me live. I know too much for him to ever let me live."

Crying. "We can just run away. He doesn't have to know. You can start over. I am sick of him controlling you. I need you to make a decision. Either you stay and work for him or you pick me."

Pulling suitcases out of closet. "I want to choose you. Believe me I really do, but I can't choose you right now." Tears began to flow down his face.

"I will not be here when you get back. You hear me Tracy Gray I will not be here. You can go on and be his little bitch. I'll be back tomorrow to pick up my things." Storms out of the condo.

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