High Priest I

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[Walks in the dressing room to see her dream dress and begins to cry.] "This is beautiful. Thank you for making this for me Martha."

"Anything for my queen. You deserve to be happy on your special day."

"Martha, since you come into my life you have been like a mother to me. Since coming here I haven't been in contact with my birth mom. You would think she would have tried to see if I was ok. After all she wanted me hear to get stronger to help our coven. Please don't call me your queen Martha. You can call me Kay."

"Thank you my queen. I am sorry Kay. I never was able to be able to have children.[Tears form in her eyes.] The first time I was pregnant my husband didn't want kids. He told me to get an abortion and I refused. He tied me down to the bed and stuck a hanger inside me. I kept bleeding he finally took me to the doctor. They said he messed my uterus up. They told me I would never be able to carry again. I was devastated. I told them he did it and he went to jail. Not too many men back then wanted a woman who couldn't reproduce. I have been single since then. For you to tell me that I am like a mother figure bring joy to my heart."

[Sits next to Martha wiping the tears from her cheeks and gives her a hug.]" Please don't cry. You are a strong woman who survived a bad situation. We have to have you move into the castle. A better room and the people under me will treat you with respect. I'll need you to be my  liaison and of course still make me pretty clothes. All the things I would have wanted my mother to do."

"Let me stop crying. You still have to get your hair and makeup done. We have everything scheduled out for you. It is almost 12 and your wedding is at 2. Then tomorrow you have to go to Tracy ceremony by 4."

[Walks out of the dressing room to run into Bernice.] "Hey how are you?"

"I am fine. You are not having cold feet are you?"

"No I am not. I just seen the dress I can't wait until everyone sees it. Do you remember the day you married the king."

[Walks to her room and Kay follows. They sit on Bernice queen size bed.] "I do remember. It actually rained on out marriage day. I thought it was an omen and I should not have gotten married. My mother calmed me down. She told me that rain comes and goes, true love does not. I laced but my boot straps metaphorically and walked down the aisle. It was the best day of my life. He looks so handsome mostly like Apollo. He had hazel eyes and Apollo's are brown."[Waves her hand and a picture of her and Husband appears.]

[Surprised.] "They really do look alike.
How tall was he?"

"He was short he was only 5'7."

"Apollo is only taller by three inches. You look gorgeous. It's nice to know what you really look like."

"I wish I could look as good as you. Your pretty smile and stunning beauty. I would have killed for your shape back in my day."

"Thank you so much. I need to see if everything is to my liking in the ballroom. [Leaves room and walks to ballroom.] "What the hell is this. It's all black no color and robes.[Runs out of ballroom to Martha's room.] Martha why is my wedding dark with no color?"

"The king was going with tradition. In tradition it is black robes and candles that's it. The bride can choose her dress and that's it."

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