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It wasn't supposed to happen like this.

I was supposed to have some sort of speech that I spent months preparing . Something that I had spent sleepless nights thinking about and hours perfecting in front of the mirror.

I was supposed to tell my parents, my family first.

It was supposed to feel like relief. Like taking a fresh breath of air after being underwater for too long, or maybe how you feel when you think you did badly in an exam only to find you did pretty good.

There were so many ways I imagined it to feel, but this was never one of them.

It was always warm hugs and supportive smiles, a few tears here and there. Maybe they'd be shocked, or maybe they saw it coming all along.

I had built it up in my head so many times but never like this.

It never felt like this.

With my heart pounding and my throat tightening and my stomach churning and oh God how do you breathe again?

I don't know how much time passed.

Maybe it was minutes, it could've been hours. Hours of me just standing there in a daze with the same sentence ringing through my head again and again and again, each time making me feel more sick.

The one sentence that sent all my carefully constructed walls crumbling down.

"So Ally told me about you two."

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2018 ⏰

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