"Well, Mr Sangster you can follow me in my office. As for you mister, if you want to you can wait in here while we discuss."

Tommy turns towards me, panic in his eyes. He squeezes my hand so hard it hurts. I'm starting to have cold sweats as the thought of leaving him alone when I promised he wouldn't be.

"N-no, I have to go with him." I say, the lady giving me a questionning look. "I mean... Can I go with him?"

"I want him to go with me. I would feel better, please."

The psychologist switches her gaze from me to Tommy, and offers us a genuine smile. "Okay, fine. No problem. Come in, take a seat."

She opens the door for us and we both get inside, quickly taking places on the small couch of the room. "It's going to be okay, baby. I love you", I say before kissing him briefly. The lady closes the door behind her and walk towards her chair, in front of us.

"So, Thomas - is it okay if I call you Thomas? You can call me Amelia, or just Dr. Lahey, whatever you're the most comfortable with."

I look at Thomas and he nods, staring at Dr. Lahey. He still seems really tense.

"So. Thomas. Why don't we start with you telling me why you came today."

I rub my thumb slowly on Thomas's hand.

"I... I've got anxiety. It's pretty bad at the moment. I have troubles managing anger and obviously stress... Sometimes I get panic attacks or hurt myself."

She nods, writing something in his carnet while Tommy mumbles something.

"Sorry, I feel stupid."

"Don't be sorry, Thomas. It happens and it's okay, you don't have to feel stupid about that. Now. We're going to work the two of us and see if we can make things a little bit easier for you. Could you tell me a little bit more about you? Your life, your experiences, whatever you want to discuss."

"Okay." I look at Thomas who is shaking his head, starting to breathe heavily. I gently grab his chin and meet his shiny eyes. "Baby, it's okay."

"He's right, Thomas, take all the time you need. Here is a safe place for you. You go whenever you feel like it."

A few minutes later, Tommy has calmed down and starts telling his story.


"I'm going to make a suggestion, if that's okay. I think you should move out. Your current appartment may feel like a safe place for you, but it's also the place where all those things happened to you. Maybe moving out somewhere else will feel like a closure ; like a real new beginning. I'm not saying that it will fix everything, because it won't. We can't heal from things like that, just like that. What do you think?"

"I think... You may be right."

Tommy turns his face towards me and smiles. During the talking, he has kind of relaxed more and more and I think he's doing okay for now with this appointment.

My brain can not stop thinking about it, about this idea that popped out as soon as the psychologist suggested a moving.

But, it's too soon, isn't it?

Tommy would never move in with me so soon, would he?

Would he move in with me?


nda: hello everyone, sorry this is a shorter chapter but I've got a severe migraine for days (this often is the case, unfortunately). I hope you'll like it anyway. Oh and also, just so we're clear, this is how I imagined Thomas's appartment:

 Oh and also, just so we're clear, this is how I imagined Thomas's appartment:

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Lots of love!

❝yours, tommy❞   | dylmasUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum