"Father." Jelani's voice boomed as he stood up abruptly sending the chair he was sitting in sliding backwards.

"Jelani." His father looked up at him with an uninterested scowl.

"That is enough. I cannot allow this to carry on. Punishing happens on my terms within these walls even if they are not under my care. We are in the dining hall, trying to have a civilized meal and I will not allow you to continue this." Jelani's voice carried intention and weight as he stared his father down, not willing to back down.

"She has disobeyed me and she requires a punishment." His father sneered as he stopped his assault.

"This being my home and you being my guests I demand that you stop immediately." The earth beneath us began to shake and even the floor began to crack in the dining hall. Looking back at Jelani I could tell that his resolve had changed and he was determined to right this.

"Son, this is honestly none of your concern. Let your father finish so that we in turn can finish our meals." His mother sighed and I couldn't stop the look of disgust I shot her at her careless attitude. 

"No. I have rules in here for a reason and I will not be dismissed. Leave the slave and finish your dinner this instant or you can leave as quickly as you came." He snarled. 

This was the over confident Jelani I had met that first day. This Jelani had me questioning my power as a god even before it was stripped away. The floor had collapsed a bit beneath his father's feet and he looked down with a scowl at the development. Did he not have a power like Jelani's? Or was it that his power had been taken away as well?

"Fine...son," Jelani's father spit the word as if it was a curse. He released Tuli and she fell to the ground instantly with a loud thud. Marin, rushed from his seat and quickly gathered her up in his arms and disappeared right in front of our eyes. "Where'd he take my property?"

"That is of no one's concern. Now I suggest everyone seat back down and let us finish this meal." Jelani's voice was calm once more and the earth had ceased it's shaking as he relaxed. Quickly I had grabbed the chair that he had easily discarded and brought it back to where he was sitting.

"Who are you to tell me-" Jelani's father roared but was easily cut off by me.

"I believe he said for everyone to calm down. That was directed especially at you. If you want the remainder of the trip to continue unscathed then I advise you do as he says." I snapped glaring at the rest of his family. "You are a guest in his home and you WILL do as he says."

"What is this Jelani?" His mother questioned, infuriated. "You let that thing speak for you?"

"If he wishes to he can." Jelani shrugged as he took a bite of his cooled food. "You speak so freely in my home so why shouldn't he?"

"We're your family!" She shrieked as she stood up from her seat. My feet had stilled me by Jelani's side, simply watching what he put up with  from his family. It was insane. It hadn't even been an hour and we were already at each other's throats with two of us already gone from the dining room.

"You sure don't act like it." I sighed, although it was a rather hypocritical thing of me to say. I may not have been as cold as these people here but I also wasn't the most welcoming either. Sure I could be an asshole at times but this was pure and deliberate evil.

"My abilities may have been taken from me but the magic given to me can be taken by no one." She screeched as she pulled one of the beads from her necklace and threw it to the ground. It exploded in a sickly green smoke and once it cleared a disgusting creature stood before us. "I will teach you some lessons today boy. For one, you don't speak to your parents like that!"

Otherworldly Redemption [Book 7]Where stories live. Discover now