Chapter 2: Pushed too far

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     Tiger was out earlier then usual. Sitting up on top of the loft high above her tree house. She was carefully painting the sunrise as it peaked out from the tops of the trees. She was finished after a few hours and she couldn't be more proud. Eagerly, she flew down and put away her painting supplies, and tucking the painting under her wing before running off. She couldn't be more excited to show her friends. 

     But while she was running through ponyville she felt something trip her. She tumbled to the ground and came to a stop not long after. She got up and shook the dust off her body, looked at the painting and gave off a sigh of relief seeing no damage done to it. She then glared at the pony that tripped her intentionally.

     "Aww, sorry kitty. Did I trip you?" He laughed. "I thought all cats were supposed to land on their feet?" Tiger gave off a low growl but took a deep breath choosing not to let it get to her. Suddenly she felt the painting being taken from her. She tried to grab it back but it was already out of her reach. "What's this? Who knew cats could paint." He laughed. Tiger growled again, this time not as low. She could feel the rage seething though her body. 

     "Give it back" She growled, almost snarling. The unicorn got a little nervous but brushed it off. "Or what?" He smirked. Tiger grabbed it back but the unicorn's magic was still holding onto it. Tiger was much stronger then most unicorn's magic, but she didn't want to risk tearing the painting she had worked so hard on. Unfortunately the unicorn didn't feel the same. He yanked it from her grip which tore it in half. "oops, let me fix that." He said as he took the two halves and put them together. But instead of fixing them he just crumpled them up and threw them in the dirt. Tiger couldn't help but cry as she watched what she worked so hard on become soaked with mud. The other pony laughed and she could hear a few who were watching snicker as well.

     She felt her anger growing more and more until she just lost it. Her pupil narrowed into slits and her claws came out. She growled she brought her body close to the ground, her eye fixated on the unicorn who had destroyed her painting she worked so hard on. He seemed to realize what was about to happen and stopped laughing. He took a step back as he became filled with fear. Tiger lunged for him when suddenly a flash of blue fell down in between them stopping her dead in her tracks.

     "Tiger no! He's not worth it!" Sky said as he tried to keep her from attacking. He didn't much care for the unicorn though as he saw what he did, he was only doing this for Tiger's sake. Tiger growled but was also still crying. Other ponies who were spectating were whispering things about her. She could hear them call her things like a monster and a wild animal. Her eye returned to normal and she put her claws away. She looked around at the others who were watching. Some had looks of fear, some anger, and others disgust. She could feel the tears streak down her face as she began to back away. Sky opened his mouth to say something but before he could get a word out Tiger ran away.

     "Tiger wait!" He called out as he watched her fly off. He turned around and shot the unicorn a glare. "You think you're better then her?" "H-huh?" Sky got up in his face. "So what if she's different then the rest of us, what right do you have to act like this!? What are you 4!?" The unicorn took a step back intimidated by Sky's tone of voice and aggression. "You're lucky I don't beat your ass!" He growled as he turned to run after Tiger.

     Meanwhile, Tiger had flown back to her treehouse and slammed her door shut before collapsing to the floor crying. All the insults and looks flowed through her mind. "Monster. Animal. Freak. Dangerous." She cried feeling like she was about to run out of tears when light shone in her eye. She looked up to see that light was shining off the glass case of her Spellcastor book. A thought instantly jumped to her mind but she was unsure. She'd never used an actual spell before, just a few of the charms. And she knew that there was a price to pay for each spell. It wouldn't hurt to try right? She stood up and wiped away her tears as she walked up to the book and took it out from under it's case. 

     "I want this to stop."

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2018 ⏰

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