I'm Freezing!

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I am so cold and I have a horrible headache so I think I'm gonna call Blaine to come pick me up from work. I call and he picks up pretty quick.
"Hey y/n! What's up?" He asks quite loudly through the phone.

"I was hoping you could pick me up from work. I don't feel good and can't concentrate." I say softly.

"Of course I can, love. I will be there in 15 minutes okay?" He says quieter this time.

"Sounds good. See you then. Love you. Bye." I mumble out to him.

"Love you too. Bye." He hangs up and I just sit there doing absolutely nothing but waiting. I see his car roll up and he sends me a text stating that he has arrived. I walk out stumbling over to the car and throw open the door and get in.

"Blaaaaine. I'm freeeeezing." I whine as I grab his hand and place it on my face.

"Quite the opposite actually. You are really warm. That means we gotta try and cool you down." He say with a sympathetic smile.
"Noooooo. I'm so cold. I don't wanna be any colder. No no no." I say a little too loud. "That took way to much energy."

"Let's get you home." he says chuckling softly to himself. The drive home didn't take too long but I immediately went to the bedroom and covered up with blankets. Blaine is in the kitchen warming up some soup and calling to make me a doctors appointment. He walked in with soup and left for a second and came back with a glass of water for me. "How are you feeling, Cupcake?" He says feeling my forehead gently.

"Like crap." I state simply.

"Well how about you eat your soup and after I will lay with you and watch a movie. We could watch a new tv show or something if you'd like." Blaine says urging me too eat something due to my lack of food today.

"I'm having waves of feeling nauseous but I'll try to eat some soup." I say defeated.

"Alrighty sounds good to me." he says with a smirk and then a softer smile. "Do you want some crackers to go with your soup? They might help with you feeling nauseous." 

"No thanks. The only thing I want right now is to be cuddled." I state firmly.

"Only after your temp goes down. I don't want you over heating. I will on the other hand give you kisses. On the cheek of course we don't need me getting sick too now do we?" He says a huge smile on his face.

"Fiiiiiiiiiiiiine. I guess that'll work." I sigh.

"I do this out of love you know that." he chuckles.

"I know but I'm still freezing!" I whine.

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