Procrastination is a bitch

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I hate Procrastination so much. It is set to destroy my life. I have been procrastinating so much that it feels like I'm destroying my life intentionally. I feel like punching myself in the face but it's too late now.

For example, I'm in college now and currently writing my semester exams. I have my next exam in less than 12 hours but look at me, writing this instead of studying *slow clap*. I didn't study anything since last 3 months for the exams and now, I'm dying. I'm pretty sure I have to kiss my sleep goodbye today or else I'm sure I'll fail tomorrow. To defend myself, I'll say that we didn't have a professor for the subject, only a guest professor who took hardly 4 classes in 4 months (I'll talk about that later). So yeah, we practically had to study ourselves and being the stupid ass I am, I didn't. And now, I'm facing the goddamn consequences.
I wish someone would punch me in the face when I start procrastinating. My mom used to beat my ass if I didn't study at home but now that I live in the college dorms... *sigh* I just feel like I'm giving excuses now.

I really really want to stop being such a lazy ass 😭😭😭

Well then, I'll take my leave. I have an exam to study for 😩

Can anyone guess my major in college?

P. S. I'm very stressed out because I was the college topper in the first semester *gasp* shocking, right? I know.

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