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Hello, I'm Janice.

This is my very first fanfic in my whole 18 years life.
And I am a sinkook shipper!
Hope that I could know some friends who are same with me!
Being a shipper I'll always have an imagination when they attend the same awards..
So this is why I write this down haha

And about this fanfic, I start writing since yesterday 7pm(maybe earlier?) And finish at about 11 or 12 I think?
The story suddenly popped out in my brain so I just write it down.
So maybe it's not a very good fanfic and have some mistakes or typos
but I hope that y'all like it :)

Ohh this story is written in Chinese as I use Chinese more comfortable than English(I'm a Malaysian Chinese ;D)
And also my English isn't that good haha
But I'll try to translate it to English and update soon!

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