Chapter 34: Echoes of Shambles

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Two Chapters left. *Cries louder*


Prof. Weiss' POV:

I was seeking sanction when a blink from my tracker flashed its way to the screen of the car. It was Vixy, the automated computer. She directed me to who was calling, and there I saw Dr. Hernnstein. By the looks of where he was, he was inside the control tower of the force fields that handed protection for the whole dome.

"Weiss, I need your help in--" He was interrupted on what he was saying when the biohazard hit him and he flew at the edge of the roof deck.

"Hernnstein! Are you okay?" I asked him. Stupid of that question, for sure he wasn't alright, he got hit.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He tried to stand up and walk towards the control panel, but the biohazard cut his left arm, I saw him wincing in pain. I need to direct to him.

"Ugh! Ahhh!-- Weiss, I need you to continue this." The blood from his body was spurting out continuously and I saw him, vertiginous as he fell down on his knees.

He was losing strength already but he managed to reach for the metal tube that he saw, He had reached to it and tried to stab the biohazard, but it got him first and stabbed the metal tube right directly to his chest.

"Dr. Hernnstein!" I called for several times, yet he didn't have any response. I drove off quickly to the control tower as quickly as I can, trying to fend off the undead with the only shelter I have, my car.

Countless numbers of undead came across the streets of discord. People are evacuating to their capsules. I doubt that they come back alive. There's a secret to those capsules – you'll never come back alive once you get inside the capsules unless someone gets you out, you have a greater chance of living.

It's their choice to get inside their capsules, they were oriented to do so. I never liked how the authorities manipulated the citizens, I never wanted to. They were too manipulative, even the Crusaders were. Those intelligent freaks never knew what was the truth, they only listen.

A horde of undead was blocking the way, I didn't know what to act, if I would barge into them or if I would just take another route that will take me time before getting into the control tower.

I looked for the shortest way around, and when I saw that there was a huge gap between the hordes, I entered. They sensed my presence, they were heading straight to where I was, and they were fast. I didn't hesitate to drive off and bump each and every corpse at sight. I have to do this for the sake of the people inside those capsules, I have to.

I barged into the group of undead when something from the behind stopped my car from moving.

"Shit!" I exclaimed as the force from my behind started becoming heavier. I looked at my side mirror and saw that the undead was trying to stop the car from moving.

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