Chapter 4

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I instantly shot up upon hearing the last words that left his mouth. My head is spinning. I talk in my sleep?! He knows Judy? But how?! Who is this boy sitting in front of me for real? I didn't look at him as i folded the blanket and set it aside. But i could feel his eyes desperately searching my face for some hint of emotion. I wouldn't give him that satisfaction because I couldn't, I couldn't look into those loving, vibrant eyes and just talk because I would be in tears all over again. Pathetic I am, I should be used to pain by now considering how much I've been through. But I've always had such low tolerance for pain, it always hurt more than it did the last time, nothing was ever right.

"Dylan, you need to leave." I said calmly, my face void of all emotions.

"So you're just going to kick me out?" he gaped, his voice bitter, "You're just goung to shut me out like everyone else. Cant you see how much I care about you, how much you mean to me?" He was hurt, that was for sure. I finally gathered the courage to look him in the eyes and when our gazes met, my courage faltered. He was hurt, his face portrayed it all. A parrt of me was screaming for his touch, his smile, his love. He doesn't deserve your crap, Jessica. You blind imbecile! He did so much for you and this is how you thank him? I was speechless. Nobody said anything until we heard heavy rain beating against my roof and thunder booming outside. Soon lightning joined the party. So I went to look out the big glass window in the living room and sure enough, there was a nasty storm brewing up outside.

Perfect timing, I groaned inside. How is he going to get home now? You have no other choice but to let him stay. But it's late...and I don't trust myself around him. His face is just so captivating, too darn sexy for his own good. Just then, I felt his presence a few inches behind me and looked up at our reflection. He was, indeed, smirking as he stood a few inches taller than me. His soft, chocolate brown hair fell right above his sforehead, his muscular form towering over mine, and his vibrant hazel eyes staring straight back at me.

"But it's raining," he fake whined, "what if lightning strikes me? Or- or what if the big bad wolf eats me alive as I'm leaving your woods?"

I couldn't help but smile. "Then man up, little red riding hood."

He was grinning, my stoch did a flip flop and one look at his face made butterflies move in my stomach.

"Will you be there to hold my hand?" He asked, hopeful.

"Don't be such a girl, Juliette." I tease, laughing.

"Whatever you say, Romeo." He retorts, laughing along.

He closes the space between us and wraps his arms around me, in content. We both stare out the window, not wanting to ruin the moment. I make use of the time and inspect the girl staring back at me. My reflection. It's been so long since I've actually taken time to study what I look like. I almost forgot what I looked like. I've changed dramatically these past few years.

My brown hair fell right at my waist, I've become a few inches taller these past few years. My eyes are a mix of stunning blue and specks of green and hazel. But the light that used to live there died off a long time ago. My cheekbones used to give definition to my face but now they're just there. I barely recognize the girl staring back at me. My skin is paler than it used to be and what's most shocking is hpw much weight I've lost. Sure, what else should I expect when I only eat a few meals a week? But when I look at my petite form, I see the terrified, broken little girl who I used to be. I flinch back at the thought and feel bile rise up in the back of my throat.

Just then I felt a strong arm spin me around so I could meet the stunning eyes of the perfect boy staring straight back at me. His eyes said it all, but what did such a perfect creature see in me?

He backed me up against the large glass window and set his arms on either side of me, locking me in as his body closed most of the space that was between us. There were so many feelings trapped in his amazing face. It took every fiber in my body to hold back from reaching out and raking my hands through his hair and memorizing every detail of perfection by heart.

"Don't look at yourself like that," he spoke softly, "you're perfect. Every inch of you is perfect perfection. I wouldn't want anything more than to be with you, I don't want anyone else in the world. I promise. All I want is you." I didnt trust myself to speak. But instead, I let my lips do all the talking for me as they met his soft, pink ones that contrasted from my naturally redder ones. He immediately respond by cupping my face in his hands and bringing his body closer, pressed up against mine.

It only lasted a few minutes before I felt something. A tear. Only it wasn't mine, it was his. I pulled away to find eyes shut tightly, his hand went to cover his face before he breathed in, trying to calm down.

"Oh Jessie, I thought I was going to lose you today. I thought you were going to leave me. I thought- I thought it was over. Your pulse wasnt normal and you were shaking! You were sweating and crying but your eyes never opened! I tried waking you up but you never woke up. I panicked, Jessie, I didn't know what to do. I heldd you like my life depended on it. I breathed you, my every thought was of you, you're my everything. A part of me died thinking you wouldn't be okay. That part of me was you. And then you woke up and I KNEW that I could never let you go. You- you're the gravity in my world. You hold everything down and together. Youre my peace, my heart, my love. nd I'm soryy it took so long for me tosay this, but I love you." he cried.

I was shocked, my face said it all. I didn;t know what to say. But it was my turn to comfort him so I did. I hugged him. My arms wrapped around his neck and I held him close. I kissed his cheek. "I'm okay, you see? I'm right here, man up babe."

He didn't say anything, just held me closer. So I said the next few words, because I couldn't take his sorrow.

"Thank you, for everything. Now stop crying and get me my flowers and chocolate. You didnt leave them out in the rain, did you?" I asked, faking worry.

He cursed to himself and smiled whe he pulled away to look at me.

" Oh but I did. I felt bad so I made lasagna when you were out. Along with brownies and some other stuff. I did do some shopping before I came here."

It was my turn to smile. He was so sweet.

"Good. Now excuse me while I go freshen up. Then, go get me my food, woman." I smirked.

He laughed and I quickly kissed him and left.

But not before I whispered in his ear.

"Dylan, don't leave me. Please stay."

Those were the words that lightened every inch of his flawless face like Christmas lights.

"I'm not going anywhere, cupcake." he said. He probably meant no harm in his words but as soon as the nickname left his mouth, the weight that's been residing on my chest all these years came back all so suddenly, a blow that wiped away all the happines. He felt it too but I was already out the door when he called my name.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2015 ⏰

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