Chapter 9

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I've missed one too many Mondays, guys..... Here's the next chapter even though it's Tuesday.

I sighed as I sat in the lunch room of the high school. I may be in first grade but I take high school science. My teachers are trying to get me into high school. I've been told that I might end up with the sophomores next year.

A boy about 16 years old, a girl about 15, and a boy about Amelia's age walk over and sit down across from and next to me.

"Hey, I'm Jack. This is Miko and that's Raf. What's your name?", Jack said and asked.

"Scarlett. My family calls me Scar.", I said.

"So, what are you doing here?", Miko asked, "Aren't you in the second grade or something?"

"Miko!", Jack glares.

"I am actually. I'm in first grade. I'm taking high school classes though.", I said, "I'm studying to be a doctor like my mommy."

I pulled out my water bottle full of Energon as one of the lunch ladies come over. She sets a tray in front of me.

"Thanks, Margaret.", I said.

"Your welcome, Scarlett.", Margaret said, "I'm sorry about your brother."

I smiled sadly, "It's okay. He's feeling better. I know it."

"What does she mean?", Raf asked.

"My second oldest brother used to go here. Aiden Anderson. He was a senior. He died a couple weeks ago in an accident. He ran into a family friend's semi and his car rolled a couple times. The airbag went off and hit his head too hard causing internal bleeding. He broke a couple ribs and somehow cut off circulation in his left leg. They amputated his leg but his rib impailed his heart.", I explained.

"Oh. Sorry to hear that.", Raf said.

"What about the other driver?", Jack asked.

"He was okay aside from a couple fractured bones from the impact.", I said.

"Did the other driver's name happen to be Orion?", Miko asked.

"Yeah. His friend, my guardian, and my mom checked on my brother while I checked on Orion.", I said, "I maybe only 8 but I know a lot about medicine."

I drank the Energon as I ate.

"Cool.", Miko said.

When school ended, I headed home. I turned right four times so I walked around a block. I stopped and glared ahead of me.

"Why are you following me?!", I growled as I whipped around.

I gasped as I saw a symbol on the cars.

"Run!", I yelled.

"But-", a soldier started.

"Let me rephrase that. I order you to run, commander!", I repeated.

"Yes, ma'am.", The commander said and took off.

"Surrender.", A silver mech said.

"Not happening, Decepticon.", I said and all I saw was his smirk before everything went black.

"Decepticons.", I said and turned around.

I started running as fast as my legs could go. It wasn't fast enough as the con grabbed me.

"Unhand me, Decepticon!", I yelled.

I gasped as I spotted more vehicles in the distance. As they got closer, I could see the symbol on the grill. Autobots. I turned and smirked at the vehicons.

"Might as well surrender now.", I said.

They transformed and fought the Decepticons. The orange and white one attacked the one that was holding me and caught me before I fell. I turned to him.

"Thanks.", I said, "Now, let's go before they send reinforcements."

The one holding me transformed into a familiar vehicle. I gasped for the third time and looked at the driver's seat.

"Rhyan?", I asked.

"Uh, hello, Scarlett.", Rhyan said.

I couldn't think of anything to say so I remained quiet. We arrived at a mountain and Rhyan maintained speed. I watched as he pulled into what looked like a base. Outpost Omega One. When Rhyan stopped, I got out. I immediately noticed two very tall Autobots. One looked to be injured.

"Why did you bring another native lifeform into the base?", One of the tall ones asked.

"Commander, this is my charge. Scarlett, my commander, Ultra Magnus.", Rhyan said.

"Your name sounds awfully familiar, commander.", I said.

"Our leader, Optimus Prime.", Rhyan said.

"Nice to meet you, Optimus.", I said.

The last Prime? He looks a little taller than I expected.

"Arcee, the warrior.", Rhyan said, "Bumblebee and Smokescreen, our scouts."

"I've seen you two around town.", I said, "Smokescreen, try to obey the traffic laws a little more, hm? I see you speeding up when the light turns yellow."

Smokescreen looked away sheepishly.

"Our wreckers, Bulkhead and Wheeljack.", Rhyan said.

"Hey, kid.", Wheeljack waved.

"Let me guess, no respect for authority? Loose cannon? Prefer to be alone?", I said.

"All of the above. How'd you know?", Wheeljack asked.

"Grenade, the glare at the commander, and the mischievous look in your eye.", I said.

"And lastly, I'm Ratchet. Rhyan is my holoform's name.", Rh- Ratchet said, "I'm the medic as you know."

"Well, thank you all for the save.", I said.

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