Chapter 3

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^^Orion Pax^^

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^^Orion Pax^^

It turns out, Rhyan will be coming after Dinner. Daddy arrived a few minutes ago. We all sat at the dinner table and ate. My long white hair kept getting in my face so I eventually put it in a braid.

"Mommy, who's Rhyan?", I asked when I returned to the table.

I haven't met him at all. Whenever he does come over, I'm usually gone. Sometimes it's because of school or because I went to work with Diego at the shop. I was finally going to be able to meet him. I wonder what he looks like and what his job is and what he does in his free time.

"Rhyan is an old friend of mine from work. Last year, he quit and got a better job.", Mommy said.

"Yeah. He's really cool.", Andy said, "The best part is that he's-"

"Andrew!", Daddy yelled, "We agreed not to discuss that."

Andy nodded and continued to eat his food. Why is this guy so special? What is Daddy keeping from me? We finished dinner and Mommy started doing the dishes. I smiled when I heard the doorbell ring.

"I'll get it!", I said and went to the front door.

When I arrived, two men stood at the door. One was really tall. He had blue hair and bright blue eyes. He wore a red jacket and a black shirt. The other one was as tall as Daddy. He had white hair with orange streaks that he put up into a braid and bright blue eyes. He wore a lab coat and a black shirt.

The one that had white hair with orange streaks looked at me, confused.

"Who is it, Scarlett?", Mommy asked.

"I don't know.", I answered.

"Diego, would you see who's at the door?", Mommy asked my oldest brother.

I heard my brother get up from off the couch. He walked over to me and I moved out of the way.

"Rhyan.", Diego greeted, "Nice to see you again."

"Same to you, Diego. Who's this?", Rhyan knelt down and I smiled.

"My youngest sister, Scarlett.", Diego answered, "She's 8."

"It's nice to finally meet you, Scarlett.", Rhyan said and stood up, "This is Orion, my comrade and old friend."

"Nice to meet you.", Diego said, "Come on in. We just finished up eating."

Rhyan and Orion walked in. I closed the door behind them.

"Who is it?", Mommy asked as we walked into the kitchen, "Rhyan! Oh, it's so great to see you again! My husband is upstairs, he should be down in a minute."

"Mom, I have to run back to the shop quick. I left my vest there.", Diego said, "Scarlett, start up the car?"

I nodded and he tossed me the keys. He went upstairs to grab his wallet and I walked out to the car. When I started it, Diego came out of the house. I walked over to the door that leads back inside the house and watched Diego leave. I closed the big garage door when he was out and closed the door after walking in the house.

I looked out the front door and that's when I saw Rhyan and Orion's vehicles.

"No way. A Peterbilt and a Hummer?! Cool!", I grinned, "I have to get pictures."

I opened the door and walked outside. I took my camera out and took a picture of both vehicles. I walked back inside and shut the door. Mommy walked over.

"Why were you outside?", she asked.

"I wanted to get a picture of the Peterbilt and the Hummer outside.", I said and looked at Orion and Rhyan, "I love your vehicles. They're so cool."

Orion chuckled and Rhyan smiled. Diego came back ten minutes later. He had a notebook and a bag in his hands. Diego walked over to me.

"This is for you. My boss bought it.", Diego said.

I looked in the bag and smiled. Apples, carrots, oranges, and bananas. All things I bring to snack on while I'm there. I pulled out my phone and opened my contact list. I texted Charlie: thanks for the snacks. In a way, Charlie was both mine and Diego's boss. After all, he was saving me a job at the shop.

"What do you guys do?", I asked Rhyan and Orion.

"I'm a medic for a small team. Orion is our leader.", Rhyan answered.

"Cool.", I grinned.

By 7 pm, Orion and Rhyan had to leave. I waved them goodbye and gave them each a hug before they left the house. I walked up to my room and got ready for bed.

"Time for bed!", Mommy called up the stairs to me.

"Okay!", I yelled and climbed into bed.

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