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Ayaan - Mommy , why are you red .

Nandani - baby , Mommy by mistake just put wrong foundation .

Ayaan made and oh face and jump to bed to sleep and Nandani closing the light move to her room and Rushing to washroom she puked and sat on the floor holding the wall and closed her eyes.

Haven't eaten anything properly for months and 3 hours sleep . The result was quite predictable .


The story of two famous billionaire Manik Malhotra and Nandani Kapoor .

Married 3 years ago but haven't share a relations of a married couple m they indeed fulfill the duty of being married . They get married , have a kid after a year and show best partner of each other to the media .

But they forgot something the relationship should have trust and love . They neither trust each other nor love .

Why will they when they don't each other faces for months .

There marriage happen as a deal between their grandparents . The marriage was nothing to bride and her parents . It was against the bride wish .

Like a typical old thinking , Ayaan Nandani and Manik child was duty if Nandani . The women whose life just revolve around Ayaan and work . Nothing else .

While Manik , the guy is living his life like as he earlier . The complete bachelor , work , home family and friends .

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