"Mum, you should go."

She looked at me shocked, "What?"

"I'll be fine. You should go home or to work."

"But what if the doctor-"

"I'm an adult, I can handle it." I said, "if anything happens I'll call you" I added for good measure.

"Are you sure?" She begged.

"Yes, mum I'll be alright." She lingered before leaving the room.

"I love you!"

"I love you too sweetheart, please don't fright to call!" and with that, she left the room.

I looked around enjoying the isolation.

"Did you take any tests while I was asleep?" I asked the nurse.

"We took a few blood tests," She admitted.


"We were told that some people on that bus could've been exposed to a dangerous substance."

"How dangerous?" I knew something wasn't right.

"We don't know yet, therefore the tests."

"Make sure you tell me the results when you find out," I added.


"Ok, Thank you!" I finished. She left the room and I asked if she could close the door. I wanted to try this again.

"Here we go, Willow." I encouraged myself staring for an object to test on, hopefully, this time it wouldn't move.

I saw a glass of water in the corner of the room and did the same thing as before. I focused on the glass, picturing the water lifting out of the cup. I felt my figures tingle and I opened my eyes. "Jesus Mary And Joseph" I awed.

The water was floating in the exact shape I had pictured it. I lowered my hand and the blob stayed in place. Please don't tell me that I was going insane.

My eyes kept glued to the water as I slowly got out of the bed, I winced when I applied pressure to my leg and looked down, breaking my concentration on the liquid. When my eyes shot back up the water was sitting in its cup.

"What?" I wondered approaching the glass and rubbing my eyes. When I reached the table I quickly picked up the glass and analyzed it. There was nothing wrong with the glass, so the real question is, what is wrong with me?

I glanced around the dull room, then to my tingling fingertips, then to a mirror. I reviewed my reflection, my dark blonde her was knotted, and my normally chocolate brown eyes no longer held any glow and there was a dark bruise on my forehead. I tried to remember what I looked like this morning, before the nasty events of today.

With my eagle eyes on my mirror image, I watched as my face and hair returned to how I pictured it. "Why me?" I cried staring at my morphed face. I slowly brought my hand to my cheek and felt it... it wasn't real. As my fingers brushed my cheek my reflection glitched between my bruised state and this morning.

I swallowed and continued the motion. Each time I did it my heart stopped, it was like an illusion was placed over me, covering up the reality. This had to be a sick trick my mind was playing on me.

"Is everything okay?" A petite voice snapped me out of my trance. I abruptly spun around to face the nurse and instinctively covered my face.

"Oh dear, is something wrong with your face?" She said full of concern and I brought my hands down. "I know you hit your head hard, I didn't see any cuts though."

End Of The Line // Ralph Dibnyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें