Engagment: Part 1

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Me: "Hey. I'm going out with Grayson I'll be right back." I stuck my head into her room and started walking. But then I walked right back when I saw she was putting her shoes on. "Where are you going?" I said raising an eyebrow.

JJ: "Out with Ethan. You said you're going out with Grayson?"

Me: "Yeah."

JJ: "Coincidence?"

Me: "Definitely not." I shook my head.

JJ: "The surprise they were talking about?"

Me: "Yes."

JJ: "What do you think it is?"

Me: "Clothes?"

JJ: "They wouldn't wait months to do that."

Me: "Should we just go and find out?"

JJ: "Yeah. But I'm-"

Me: "Scared." I finished her sentence. "Me too."
With Grayson
Me: "Why are we here? At the Hollywood sign?" I asked looking at him from the hood of his car.

Grayson: "I just wanted to come here."

Me: "You have a trick up your sleeve." I pointed out.

Grayson: "Do not. You just think I do."

Me: "Grayson, I know you. This is where we came after our date. This is where you said you liked me. This is where we had our first kiss."

Grayson: "Damn. You don't forget do you?"

Me: "How can I? I've always loved you."

Grayson: "We just need to wait a few more minutes."

Me: "For what?"

Grayson: "You'll see. Can you be patient? For once?"

Me: "Fine." I smiled.

Grayson: "Have I ever told you how much I love your smile?"

Me: "Once. And I believe your exact words were 'Your smile is awesome.'

Grayson: "Okay that's creepy."

Me: "Imma girl. Get used to it. Actually... imma woman. I can't believe I'm 20."

Grayson: "You've had more experiences than any other 20 year old."

Me: "What do you mean?"

Grayson: "You've had your first drink before 21, you're in love, and let me add with someone you thought you would never be with."

Me: "Hey! How do you know about my childhood doubts?" I giggled. "JJ?"

Grayson: "Yeah. JJ." He chuckled.

Me: "You know that I would cry every night thinking I would never meet you. Thinking I would never get to kiss you. Thinking I would never get to be with you."

Grayson: "Really?"

Me: "Yes."

Grayson: "Why?"
I ignored his question and just kept thinking back to when I was a kid.

Me: "I would watch edits I had in my phone or in a playlist on YouTube called 'Grayson Dolan edits' with heart emojis and just watch them and cry my eyes out. Seeing you with those other girls and fans. Hugging them, holding their hands. It made me feel lonely. It made me think I would never find you. Made me think I would never be in love with you. Even though I already was. And I don't think I knew it."

Grayson: "Jesus Christ. That was a lot to take in."

Me: "Well I had to feel it so you have to hear it."

Grayson: "I don't mind it."

Me: "Thanks. But can you hear one more thing?"

Grayson: "I can hear whatever you want me to hear."

Me: "I love you."

Grayson: "I love you too baby. And you're about to love me even more." He said.

Me: "What does that mean? We are not having sex on the roof of your car." He laughed.

Grayson: "Not what I mean." He shook his head and sat up. "Come down for a sec." He hopped off the car and helped me down.

Me: "Alright. What do I do now?"

Grayson: "Look up at the sky right.... there." He pointed. "Don't look anywhere else. Promise!"

Me: "Okay! I won't!"
I kept looking up at the sky. It was sunset and the stars started coming out. It was beautiful.

Me: "It's gorgeous." I said.

Grayson: "Not as gorgeous as you." I started to look down at him but before I could he yelled. "Don't look down!"

Me: "Shit! I forgot I'm sorry!" I looked back up. All of a sudden I saw a blimp slowly flying across the sky. I started to tear up. It said 'Gizelle, will you marry me?'
I looked down at Grayson. He was on one knee with a beautiful ring in a box.

Grayson: "Will you?"

Me: "Oh my god!" I was crying. "Of course I will! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! I will marry you." He took the ring out of the little white box and put it on my ring finger.

Grayson: "You don't understand how happy I am to spend the rest of my life with you." He hugged me and kissed me on my forehead.

Me: "A kiss on the forehead? Really?" I grabbed his face with my hand and kissed him. "I love you so much."

Grayson: "I love you so much more."

End of chapter 19!!!! Omggg we're engaged!😍 lol I wish. Damn I made myself sad. But the next part is from JJ's point of view.

Vote and comment plz thxxx💖

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