Is it a date?

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A few days later
All I could thinking about was the day JJ and I filmed with the twins. I haven't gotten any messages from Gray or E. But I do still have the conversation about him asking me out on a date in my head. Just as I was thinking about texting Grayson, I got a message from him.

Grayson: Hey beautiful.

Me: Hey

Grayson: Are you busy today?

Me: Well... eating and sleeping.

Grayson: Dam. Packed schedule huh?

Me: Very

Grayson: Well can you push it aside a few hours for me?

Me: Sure. Y not. It can wait.

Grayson: Good! Tell the food and your bed I said sorry.

Me: They don't appreciate you taking me away from them gray. I think you're gonna have to apologize in person.

Grayson: I will buh not yet.

Me: They do want an apology tho. They seem rlly pissed.

Grayson: Lmao, ur sarcasm is great.

Me: Rlly? People hate it.

Grayson: Well I think it's great

Me: Thanks☺️ So y do u want me to push my soooooo busy schedule aside??

Grayson: cuz I wanna take you somewhere

Me: Do I need to dress up or down??

Grayson: Wats the difference??

Me: Well look at this. Dressing up for me is either a dress or jeans with some rlly nice kicks and a cute top and dressing down is just jeans and a top or sweats.

Grayson: I like ur 2 senses of style girly

Me: So choose one lmfao

Grayson: Dress up but not like a fancyyy gown or anything. Probably like a summer dress.

Me: Sounds like a plan

Grayson: Pick you up at 6?

Me: Sounds good.
I had finished getting ready. I checked my phone and it was actually 6:00.

Me: "How do I look bestie?"
I got JJ's attention and did a 360 spin.

JJ: "He's gonna go 'hubba hubba' and hearts are gonna pop out of his eyes." She joked. "But in all seriousness you look beautiful bestie." She pulled out her phone and took a picture of me.
I had on a tight dress that went a little over my knees and a small heel. I know he said not so fancy, but this was technically a date right?

Me: "Wait! Is this a date?"

JJ: "Did he say it was?"

Me: "Well... no. But he's having me dress fancy and taking me out somewhere."

JJ: "Little pussy couldn't be specific."

Me: "Oh my lord. What if I'm over dressed?! And he takes me out to a fucking ball game or something?"

JJ: "It's definitely a date."

Me: "How do you know?"

JJ: "Cause Ethan just texted me saying it's a date." She laughed.

Me: "Do I tell him I have feelings for him?"

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