7 years and 1 year

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JJ: "Happy 7 years bestie!" She yelled as she jumped on me while I was sleeping.

Me: "Mother fucker! You hit my damn boob!" I shouted as I got up.

JJ: "Yell at me one more time imma freaking chop your dick off bum nugget." We both started dying.

Me: "Alright alright! I'm sorry bum." I smiled.

JJ: "It's okay you bitch ass." She smiled too.

Me: "What are we gonna do today?! We gotta celebrate. It's been 7 damn years bro."

JJ: "I know!" We both looked at each other with an idea.

Both: "Shopping!" It was our go to. We always went shopping. But today we had to go ALL out with matching clothes and spend the whole day together.
Hours later
Me: "I am exhausted!" I shouted walking into our apartment placing our bags on the floor.

JJ: "Perfect celebration?"

Me: "Perfect celebration." I looked at her and kissed her on her cheek. "Today was fun you bum nugget."

JJ: "Best day I've had in a while. But that beach party! Probably right behind today."

Me: "My birthday is behind today."

JJ: "You sure? Cause I think it's ahead of today."

Me: "Would it be a big deal if it was?" I asked scared for her answer.

JJ: "No it actually makes sense. Grayson told you he loves you on your birthday. If Ethan did that for me I would've put that day ahead of today."

Me: "Thanks bestie! And it's only ahead by like a little bit." I said squinting my eyes and putting my index finger and thumb together to represent how much it was ahead of today. "I think they're equal."

JJ: "Oh my gosh." She said laughing throwing her head back.

Me: "What time is it?" She pulled out her phone.

JJ: "It is.... 9:53."

Me: "Are you serious?!"

JJ: "The day went by really fast. And my phone is blowing up with messages from Ethan." I automatically pulled out my phone to see if Grayson was doing the same.

Me: "This little girl is doing the same thing." I showed her my screen and smiled. I felt cared for and my heart was happy. I haven't been this happy in a while.

JJ: "You're blushing!"

Me: "Am not!"

JJ: "Are to! You guys are gonna be gettin married."

Me: "He said that?!" I asked surprised and felt all bubbly inside.

JJ: "No I was saying in the future! Do you want to marry him?!"

Me: "Maybe." I said shrugging my shoulders and still blushing. My cheeks were sore as hell. "Do you wanna marry Ethan?"

JJ: "Of course! We talk about it."

Me: "Me and Grayson don't. Do you think he wants to even marry me? Or am I just a person he's with?"

JJ: "I can't answer that. But he cares about you Gizelle. When you guys are together it's the cutest shit."

Me: "I feel different with him. He makes me feel like myself. Just... more happy."

JJ: "Ever since high school I've never seen you the kind of happy person you are when you're around him. I'm happy when you're happy. And I've been more happy lately because of the new person you are."

Me: "I love you JJ."

JJ: "I love you too Gizelle."
A few months later
Grayson: "Babe. Wake up."

Me: "Leave me alone." I waved him away. But then quickly opened my eyes realizing what today was for us. "Ahhh!!! Happy one year baby!" I jumped out of my covers and jumped onto him.

Grayson: "Damn you're super excited." He laughed and sat up hugging me back.

Me: "Has it really been a year?" I asked in shock and confusion.

Grayson: "I know I said the same thing on my way over here." I pulled away and kissed him. He looked me up and down.

Me: "I know I'm still in pajamas." I rolled my eyes.

Grayson: "You barely have clothes on."

Me: "A sports bra and shorts are clothes Grayson." I got off my bed and went to the bathroom.

Grayson: "Who are your trying to impress?"

Me: "Ummm myself the fuck." I replied while brushing my teeth.

Grayson: "Rude." I raised my eyebrow and looked over at him. He had a smirk on his face. I knew what he was trying to do.

Me: "Not right now!" I rinsed my mouth with water and spit it into the sink.

Grayson: "Who said I was trying to do anything?" He still had a smirk on his face.

Me: "You do realize you have a smirk on your face. And you're trying to get me somewhat upset so that you can say 'I love you' and then you can get it in." I smiled. "I'm not dumb handsome." I lightly hit his face and walked out of the bathroom. He grabbed my waist and kissed me.

Grayson: "Maybe just once?"

Me: "Why are you so horny?" I laughed and got out of his grasp. I walked to my room to change out of my pajamas. I pulled one of Grayson's hoodies out of my closest and a pair of leggings.
I looked over at Grayson and he closed my door.

Me: "Grayson, later. JJ's sleeping."

Grayson: "Promise?"

Me: "Maybe."

Grayson: "See. Why do you do this to me?"

Me: "Do what?"

Grayson: "Tease me." He poured playfully.

Me: "You're just a big baby." I said as I pulled my shorts off and got into my leggings.

Grayson: "Oh now you wanna put clothes on." He teased.

Me: "Oh my god! Grayson I had clothes on before! Oh see, you're doing it again. I said later."

Grayson: "Promise."

Me: "I promise."

Grayson: "Finally damn." He smiled. I looked at him and smiled.

Me: "I love you."

I feel like I may have slacked on this part. But idk tbh. Comments? Votes? Please? No? Okay? Lmfaoo but how was this chapter? There is only 3 more chapters left to this story and then I'm starting my second story. Enjoy!💚

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