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Ellis is a 17-year-old lady that's a genius. She's beautiful, sweet, smart; and a hit with the boys. The only downside of her is... she doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut. Ellis basically doesn't take others peoples bull crap and she never will.

To make her more beautiful, she has practiced martial arts since she was at a young age; but doesn't fight back when bullies hurt her friends. Only dodges, hoping at least one of them doesn't end up in a hospital bed... too hurt. 

Noah, or Mental, on the other hand, is 18 and full of himself. He's pretty handsome, charming, and an emo, but bad with the ladies. He's not your normal emo though.

What will happen when Ellis and Mental have an encounter for the first time? And what happens when shy, emo Mental shows his true form to Ellis?

See you in chapter 1, bye~ ;3

(Picture of Ellis and Mental :3) 

(Picture of Ellis and Mental :3) 

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(Mental ^)

(Mental ^)

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(Ellis ^)

<*** All rights are reserved to the Artists!!***>

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