"I think this place is very fitting, after all, I'm claiming my own triumph," Volpina said with a smirk, still looking out at the darkening city.

"Lila why are you doing this, it's not like you," Nathanael said, taking a step towards her.

Volpina quickly turned around, a fierce glare in her eyes "My name is Volpina and you know nothing about me!" she snarled.

Nathanael's eyes widened and he took a step backwards "Nothing about you...you honestly think that!?"

Volpina raised an eyebrow at Nathanael's words.

Nathanael lowered his head as he began to talk in a shaky voice "I know you, Lila, at least I believe I do...I know that you're really caring and sweet when you let your guard down around people you trust, I know you actually care about people's opinions more than you let on and that's why you Lie, you thought nobody would like you for who you truly are but...I do! I like how you're so passionate about your interests and protective of your friends...you always encourage and support me...you are amazing in your own way...even when you're being reckless or blunt you're still amazing to me"

He finally looked back up his blue eyes looked as if an ocean had been encased inside of small glass marbles. 'Please don't leave me' they said. Then the smooth spheres appeared to be cracked; the ocean had started to leak, little water droplets streamed down Nathanael's pale cheeks.

Volpina gasped when she saw the tears drip down from his large blue eyes. She moved a step closer.

"Nathanael" she began to talk.

"No!" Nathanael exclaimed, tears blurring his eyesight. "You said what you said...at least I know how you truly feel now" He took another step back from her.

Volpina's eyes widened as she saw what was going to happen "Nath!"

"Shut up!" Nathanael shouted he took another step backwards. Then he was falling.

"Lila!" Nathanael yelled, looking down in terror to see cars becoming more distinct, the pavement drawing closer.

The wind clung to his clothes, and he felt a chill as the cool breeze whistled through his shirt. His red hair whipped around his face, but every so often he would get a clear view of the city around him - so painfully beautiful, even when it was only glimpses of colour and sound.

He couldn't bare it anymore so he shut his eyes as he prepared himself to meet the cold, hard ground. 'I wonder if it'll hurt much' he thought, fear swirled within his body 'I never thought it would end like this'.

Then he felt himself become wrapped in a warm, comforting grip. His eyes fluttered open and he saw Lila or well Volpina had him in her arms.

"L-Lila" he stuttered, fresh tears welling up in his eyes.

Volpina glanced at him but said nothing as she gently lowered herself to the ground as she held Nathanael bridal style.

She reached the ground and set Nathanael down gently. She looked over him with concerned eyes.

"You're okay, right?" she asked.

"Ye-yeah, I-I think so" Nathanael stuttered, still shocked. Tears still slowly streamed down his cheeks. Volpina reached and gently wiped away his tears.

"I'm sorry, this was my fault...I should have realised..." she sighed, then looked away from Nathanael.

Nathanael was about to speak when a purple glow appeared across Volpina's face. He watched with wide eyes as she shook her head and muttered "I can't leave him...but- ...No! I'll do it!" The butterfly glow on her face disappeared.

Your Lies are Art. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now