Lila nodded. "Nathanael you're not going to ignore me tonight if I text you?" she asked with a slight glare.

Nathanael looked at her guilt obvious in his eyes "Uh of course not..." he trailed off, lowering his head as he looked at the ground.

"Then why did you ignore me those other times?"

Nathanael bit his lip "I didn't mean to... can we just drop it...I don't want to fight with you"

Lila sighed "Okay, I suppose it doesn't matter"

Nathanael nodded. They arrived at the School entrance and walked up the steps.

After saying bye to Nathanael, Juleka and Rose, Lila walked off to Maths class.

Lila arrived at the classroom door and pushed open the door. Kim, Max and Sabrina were already in class plus a few other students that Lila hadn't bothered getting to know.

Lila walked over and sat beside Sabrina,

"So what's going on?"

"Apparently sir's off sick so we have a free class" Sabrina answered.

"Great" Lila said.

Nino and Alya walked into the class and got in their seats. Alya was sitting beside Nino today due to Adrien not being at school.

"We've got free class guys!" Kim shouted over to them.

"Really?" Nino asked

"Yeah," Kim said.

"Great, I can update the ladyblog then," Alya said, taking her phone out.

"You can do that at Home! Instead, we can play truth or dare!" Kim smirked.

The class sighed in annoyance.

"Not again, Kim!" a random blonde haired student complained.

"I'm not joining after last time" A brunette girl muttered.

Kim glared "You guys are no fun!" he slumped in his chair sadly looking at the ceiling.

Nino sighed and Nudged Alya who glared at him before finally relenting.

"Fine, me and Nino will join...what about you two?" Alya looked at Lila and Sabrina.

Lila shrugged "sure, can't be that bad"

She got up and dragged her chair to Kim's desk. Sabrina, Nino and Alya all brought their chairs over as well. They formed a circle around Kim's desk.

Kim grinned "Great who's going to go first?"

"I think Lila should go first after all she's the new addition to our class," Alya said.

Lila glared "Why do I have to go first?"

"Fine, don't if you're scared" Alya smirked.

"Alya" Nino hissed.

Sabrina glared at her for teasing Lila.

"No, I'm not scared!" Lila said "Fine' I'll go first!"

Kim grinned "Then pick your poison truth or dare?"

Lila bit her lip as he thought. 'I can't pick truth then they'll be able to find out anything...could lead to blackmail...but I don't really trust this lot with dares, especially Kim'

"Hurry up!" Kim complained.

"I'll" Lila said.

Kim grinned "I dare you to go on a date with me!"

Your Lies are Art. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now