15. The Flower and The Avenger Series

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The Flower and the Avenger- 49 (Completed)

The Forgotten Fiance- 27 (Completed)

The Eyes and the Heart- 6 (Ongoing)

This is a half AU setting- meaning the story resides in Konoha and Chakra exists, but the Hokage is the Head Maid and everyone works in the Uchiha Mansion. 

It follows Sakura, a new maid as she falls in love with their master Sasuke Uchiha. 

One thing I loved is the setting, how its half AU and Ninja, the book is like The Beauty and The Beast. I loved how she portrayed the characters, and how Sasuke falls in love with Sasuke and Sakura.

In The Flower and The Avenger, it follows their path to love and Sasuke' path to revenge.

In The Forgotten Fiancé, it follows life after Sakura looses her memory, and how Sasuke tries to  bring her back.

In The Eyes and The Heart, it follow Sasuke on his quest to make Sakura forgive him, and also care for their child.

All in All, this was a great series and you should definitely read the first five chapters.


Remember to FOLLOW this account (Sasusakucomm ), my account ( CherryblossomJelly ) and the author's account askfindmenever .

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