Lila nodded and was walking up to her seat. Her eyes glued to the floor when Chloe decided she couldn't keep her mouth shut.

"Just as I thought the liar had finally left for good it's a pity right, Sabrina?" Chloe said with a sneer.

Lila stopped in her tracks and looked at Chloe with a venomous glare she was about to argue back when Marinette spoke up "Just be quiet, Chloe unlike you Lila is actually wanted here"

Lila turned to look at Marinette shocked and pleased to hear Marinette standing up for her.

Marinette was glaring daggers at the blonde brat. Alya spoke up as well "Yeah just keep your mouth shut Chloe"

Chloe glared at the two girls "I don't see why you're sticking up for her! Didn't she lie to you all about being besties with ladybug?" Chloe let out an annoying laugh and flicked her ponytail "As if that was ever true Ladybug would never hang out with a loser like you!"

"Girls, what is going on?" Ms. Mendeleiev shouted starting to see the commotion.

"They're bullying me! I demand that they all be punished" Chloe said putting on fake distress.

"Enough Chloe, also Lila get to your seat this instant!" Ms. Mendeleiev roared, fed up with the class's constant drama.

This did enough to shock Chloe into shutting up and to send Lila hurrying up to her seat.

She slid into her seat beside Nathanael who was drawing away in his sketchbook. Lila glanced over and saw he was working on a comic.

"Hey" she whispered.

"Hey" Nathanael replied gruffly. Lila bit her lip he sounded annoyed with her. He didn't even look at her continuing on with his drawing.

Lila raised an eyebrow confused and felt nervous knots tighten in her stomach. "Uh is everything okay?" Lila asked.

"Of course why would there be anything wrong" He responded sounding quite bitter.

Lila frowned knowing something was defiantly up but decided to wait and question him later on. She turned to look at the board and took out her notebook to start jotting down notes.

Later finally came and Lila was able to question Nathanael. They were in the now empty art room. All through the last subjects, Nathanael hadn't really said much to Lila.

Nathanael had packed up and was just about to head out when Lila stopped him grabbing his hand "Wait, Nath, we have to talk"

"What's to talk about?" he asked while wrenching his hand out of her grip.

"The fact you seem off with me!" Lila exclaimed. "It's not my fault I was late if that's what you're mad about"

"Is it not!?" Nathanael glowered.

Lila gave him a confused look "uh yeah I didn't mean to sleep in"

"Unless your only saying that cause you actually didn't want to tell the truth to Adrien," Nathanael said a coldness in his voice.

Lila gasped "what? How can you think that?"

Nathanael said nothing but he looked at her with a look of disappointment, his usual clear blue eyes had seemingly iced over as his mouth formed a tight line and eyebrows furrowed in a glare.

"Do you honestly not believe me?" Lila said quietly "I thought you trusted me?"

"I do its ju-"

Lila cut him off "Well you obviously don't!" cold anger could be sensed from her voice.

Your Lies are Art. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now