"Fine but I get to say I told you so when your art is praised by everyone," the Italian girl said with a smile.

Nathanael started walking with Lila beside him.

"Well if that ever does happen I think we'll be long dead," he said, blankly.

"If we're ghosts together I'll still say it" Lila smirked.

Nathanael laughed "Okay whatever keeps you happy"

Lila grinned.

They were passing by statues now as they made their way through the Louvre. They passed by one that caught Lila's interest. Her dark green eyes scanning and admiring the statue. It was titled Psyche revived by Cupid's kiss.

The white marble stone showed the cold and harsh lifelessness that is reality but the figures themselves with their finely sculpted detail suggested nothing of the sort, being almost lifelike in nature. Cupid's glorious wings, his quiver full of arrows, the way Cupid holds Psyche delicately, the curve of Psyche's hips as she turns to embrace cupid and the carefully structured detail, like Psyche's belly button and graceful toes added a sense of moment and life to the scene along with a sense of authenticity. It was beautiful.

Lila stopped walking and couldn't help but stare; she also couldn't help but feel envious of the two sculptures that were frozen in time. She wanted to be looked at with tender affection, she wanted to be held gently in loving arms, she wanted to be praised as beautiful and intelligent, and she wanted to be loved. Her fists tighten unconsciously.

She felt silly for being jealous of statues but she supposed it wasn't the statues she was really jealous of. It was Ladybug. Lila still disliked the spotted heroine who all of Paris loved and adored. Lila wanted to know what it felt like to have all the praise at the moment she only knew what it was like to be hated by everyone.

"Lila, you okay?" Nathanael's concerned voice broke her trance.

"Huh? Oh! Yeah, I'm fine just in awe of this sculpture."

Nathanael's lips made a thin line and he looked at her with disbelief but decided not to push the matter any further.

"Yeah, it's nice, very romantic." He said.

"Come on, let's go," Lila said solemnly. Nathanael followed close behind.

It was around five o clock now. Both Lila and Nathanael were exiting the Louvre. They were walking quietly beside each other hand in hand. Nathanael wasn't sure what got Lila feeling so down he didn't want to worsen the situation by asking as he was sure Lila didn't want to talk about it. He decided to just stay silent and hold her hand comfortingly as they walked around the mazes of paintings. The moment his hand found hers her shoulders loosened and her intense gaze softened. That was a good sign. As they progressed a comfortable silence came over them. It was soothing. This was the calm before the storm.

"So where are we going next?" Nathanael asked.

Before Lila even had the chance to speak a civilian let out a terrified scream.

Both Lila and Nathanael turned their heads in the direction of the scream.

"Oh my god! What's that!?" A civilian cried out in terror.

Overhead the sky turned a menacing grey blocking the sun rays from shining down on them. Riding on a large black cloud was a boy clothed in a black cape that swirled at the end like it was made of shadows….It was an Akuma!

Hysteria. Panic. Fear…An Akuma attack…In the madness of scurrying people who were trying to flee. Nathanael gasped as he tried to pull Lila through the crowds to safety. Besides the Akuma at the school and Lila herself being an Akuma on her first day in Paris no less she had never actually been caught in the full chaos of an Akuma attack yet.

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