Liar, Liar

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Lila stormed away from the Eiffel Tower. Away from the bully that was Ladybug. She quickly wiped her eyes when she felt angry tears start to form.

She wasn't going to cry, she was better than that.

She clutched the foxtail necklace in her hand tighter so that it left red marks on her skin.

She didn't remember exactly what had happened while she was she was akumatised, it was a hazy fog like she had been sleepwalking.

All she knew was her hatred for Ladybug had grown. 'Who does that Bug think she is? Using her power for own benefit! She's nothing but a bully, not a superhero' Lila angrily thought to herself as she turned around a corner.

She wasn't looking where she was going she crashed into someone.

Pages went flying in the air and her necklace slipped out her hand.

"Sorry I wasn't-" she began to say when the boy cut her off "its okay...I was distracted as well, Sorry" he began to pick up his pages.

Lila knelt down and began to help him. She picked one up from the path and gasped these drawings were good didn't give them enough credit...they were stunning.

She handed the pages back to him "You're really talented!"

"Oh...thanks," he said as he took the pages back.

Lila took a better look at the boy he was actually pretty cute. He had Ocean blue eyes though one of his eyes was covered by a long bang of red hair.

The boy held out the foxtail necklace "um...this is yours?"

It sounded as if the red-head had meant for it to be a statement, but his voice travels high at the end of the sentence; as if in question. Lila smiles at his nervousness 'damn he really is adorable'

"Yes, thank you," she said taking back the necklace.

Before she can ask his name he is already walking on down the street. Lila would have called after but she realised that maybe he had seen her akumatised.

'That's why he was so nervous and ran off' Lila sighed sadly.

Lila sighed 'why could nothing in her life ever work everyone hated her!' She walked on down the street looking at the ground. 'This was meant to be a fresh start that's what father said...but something always goes wrong!' she felt a stray tear fall down her face.

She reached up and wiped it away 'I'm not going to cry, I'm not going to cry' she chanted in her head but it didn't help she felt the tears creep out of her eyes.

She didn't want anyone to see her like this. 'I'm just a liar...I'm weak' she rushed home tears blurring her vision.

She finally got home and shut the door with a bang. She didn't expect anyone to be home her parents always prioritised work over her sometimes she felt like they forgot they had a daughter. The noisy sobs echoed through the empty house making her feel even more alone. She felt unwanted and hated by everyone, her parents included.

She quickly rushed up the stairs to her bedroom, her tears blurring her vision. She rushed into her bedroom and roughly closed the door and then she sank to the ground letting out sobs. The sobs punched through her as she pressed her forehead against the bedroom door as her tears continued to flow down her face showing no signs of stopping.

Lila took deep shaky breaths trying to calm herself. She didn't want to cry, she didn't want to feel this weak, this useless. She hated feeling like this for it reminded at the end of the day she was nothing. If she were to vanish from earth no one would one would even notice.

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