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So this is my first multi-chapter fic and I hope I did well enough of making the story flow I do find I struggle with that which is why I mainly write one-shots.

Also, this fic will be mainly in Lila's point of view and sometimes Nathanael's point of view.

So some mean things about Ladybug will be said as it is from Lila's view but I like Ladybug I don't hate her even if it'll seem that way. Though I do think Lila was in her right not to accept Ladybugs apology and I think Ladybug was wrong to bully (yes bully cause that what it is) Lila in the park like she did but I agree Lila was also wrong to Lie. So they were both in the wrong. Anyway, I'll get on with the prologue.

Lila was a liar. That was what everyone said. They never stopped to consider why she lied.

Lila hadn't always been a liar. It was true she had quite the imagination growing up after all she had to find some way to entertain herself. Her parents weren't around much. She was left to her imagination and her storybooks.

The only time Lila got to hang out with her mother was when she dragged Lila shopping. It wasn't like Lila didn't like shopping but her mother was very picky about what Lila could and could not wear. She wanted Lila to always be in with the latest fashion. Lila would roll her eyes at her Mother demanding the shop workers to bring them this and that. The workers never complained out loud probably because her mother was a well-known actress in Italy and her father was a diplomat.

When her Mother really annoyed her, Lila used to call her the evil queen (not to her face of course) because of her habit of always checking herself in the many mirrors she placed around the house. Her mother had a serious problem with mirrors which Lila wasn't too fond of she didn't like constantly seeing her reflection everywhere she mirrors used to always appear in her nightmares so Lila always tried to keep her eyes off them when she passed them though it was hard with one nearly being in every hallway and room

Her Father had tried to find time to be with Lila and teach her the ways of the world but soon enough he was offered jobs with higher rankings and better pay he took them of course and soon enough it was always working with him. He never could find time to be with his daughter preferring to work day and night.

Lila had tried to get him spend time with her but he always brushed her off with "Mio Cara, can't you see I'm busy right now we'll talk later" Later never came.

Lila wasn't one to give up she was a stubborn and determined child. So she had gone down to the kitchens and ordered the family chef to help her make a cake for her dad. The family workers were used to Lila's bossy ways and it was better to humour her than to tell her to go away for when she threw a tantrum no one's ears were safe from her screams.

So they had made a simple cake for her Father. Lila had excitedly walked up the stairs with the small cake for her father. She had crept into his study holding the cake in a tray and walked up to his desk with a smile.

"Daddy, I made you a cake" she had said with a happy grin.

Her father hadn't bothered to look at her continuing to type on his computer "I'm busy right now come back later"

"That's okay I'll just leave the cake here for you" Lila had smiled and placed the cake on the desk. "It's not good to work on an empty stomach...what are you doing anyway?" Lila had asked

Her Father had looked with a glare standing up and hitting the cake off the table, it had landed on the ground ruined and smashed. Lila had gasped eyes widening in shock.

"LILA!" he roared.

Lila took a step back in fear she knew her father had a temper but she had never been the one he was angry with before.

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