First Day

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Everyone's going back to school I don't bother with that crap! Waste of my time.

My mom asked me to go to the supermarket to get a carton of milk and bread, like I could be doing way better stuff then going to the supermarket, anyway I get the stupid milk and the stupid bread and put them in the house.

"Bye mom, not sitting in all day" I said "okay sweetie see you later" my mom replied

See my mom doesn't no I smoke pot, why would I tell my mom she would flip!! Probably throw me out the house

I get my side bag and put it on my shoulder I go down my ally, it's quiet one else is down there!

I get out my bag and roll my pot and light it, this my favourite part of the day were I can let all my problems go "hahah I'm always so alone, hahah no one will ever be my friend" I laughed but then began to cry.

Iv half finished my bag and I'm completely out of it

It feels great

My vision is blurry

I seen a man walking up to me, he looks talk and skinny with a black leather jacket on and blue jeans and black sneakers

He comes and sits beside me, "hey you, how are you, you coming for some" I say joking

"Ya sure you got some" he said. I handed him the bag "ah perfect" he began to roll the pot and lit it with his own lighter "it's good isn't it" he said "yup haha it sure is" I said "hey I'm luke" "hey Jessica"

We both Finnish our smoke

And I put my head on his Lap and we both fell asleep

"OMG!!!! OMG!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!! HELP HELP HELP" I jumped up to my feet "what the heck who are you, why did I sleep on you,get away now" I said

"Hey, hey Jessica calm it's luke, you were fully high on pot and I came and joined you" he said

" Oh damn! I remember, hey sorry for frightening you" I said feeling more relaxed

I took a full length look at this guy he is super hot

His blue eyes sparkle his brown fluffy hair just blows in the wind and his body is amazing

"You must work out huh luke" I said

"I sure do, work quite hard" "I can see it's nice" I answered

"It's getting late, here have my jacket you must be quite cold" he said

"Oh, thank you" I said blushing

He started to walk me home

"So Jessica single?" he asked "sure am, boys don't really go for me you know the hole pot stuff" I said

"I love that stuff your really awesome too, how could guys not go for you, your beautiful " he said smiling

"Really thanks luke nobody has ever called me beautiful" "well it's true" he said

We approach my house

"Well here it is my house, thanks for walking me home" I said turning around to walk into my door

"Hey were you going" he said as he put his hand in my hair pulled me in by my waist

Our lips touched and we kissed

My very first kiss, a million fireworks just went off in my heart. This is amazing

"Wow" I said

Did I just say that out loud!

"Sorry I couldn't help myself" he said looking embarrassed

"Don't be, it's nice" I said

"Good" he winked "so see you around" I said

"Jessica?" "Ya luke" I answered

"Date tomorrow night be ready for 7 sharp" he said with a huge smile

A date, he just asked me out on a date

"Really, great I'll be ready" I said waving goodbye

I went inside, ran up to my room, and start screaming with joy! Oh my god I can't believe I'm going on my very first date

OH!!! I can't wait for tomorrow!!!!!

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 01, 2014 ⏰

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