💚Chapter 1💚

Start from the beginning

Many took a while to decide, until Lilly spoke up, "Harry, Hermione and Draco will go for sure."
The others nodded in agreement.
Then, Snape said, "The twins will be useful." Everyone looked at Snape as if he sprouted 2 heads. "Think about it, they have the ability to invent many great things to help. It only makes senses."
"We agree Uncle Snape-" Draco said, "-But we're just surprised you acknowledged Gryffindors."
"Those 2 are certainly Slytherin in disguise." Snape retorted.
The twins thought for a moment, then smiled.
"What do you think George?"
"About being in Slytherin? Love it!"
The 2 gave thumbs up to Snape. It was quite nostalgic for almost everyone (except the parents, who never conversed with them).
"Only 2 more... " Hermione said.
"What about Neville and Luna? " Harry said.
Everyone nodded in agreement.
"I'd love to Harry, but I'm a year younger. I won't enter the picture till later." Luna said.

"That can be fixed. Luna, everything will happen the same way in your life, just a year earlier. Fred and George will be a year older than Harry, instead of 2. The 2 of you will get a re-sortment when Harry arrives. This way, Harry can help provide you a space in Grimmaulds when Molly kicks you out. Arthur can go with you too." Life said.
"Make sure to get me out of prison soon. Ask for Amelia Bones and let her see through your memories as long as she is sworn to secrecy. Then, she'll get me a trial." Sirius said. Everyone looked at him as if he was crazy, since that was the first smart thing they heard him say.
"What if she was on Dumbledore's side?" James asked.
"She wasn't. When they said I was the next Dark Lord, Amelia Bones, Rita Skeetar, Madame Maxime and half of Beauxbaton students- including Fleur's sister-protested against this, along with Mr and Mrs Malfoy. All were killed by Dumbledore and the remaining order." Harry answered. Mr and Mrs Malfoy nodded their heads in agreement.
"Wait but, what about Charlie?" Harry asked, wanting  to be with his boyfriend. Death shook his head, he couldn't go with them.
"I'll be fine Harry. I'll always love you. To. tell you the truth, the moment I laid eyes on you I loved you. But I knew Ginny loved you so I stepped back. I regret that decision now." Charlie said.
Once again, Life's eyes became clouded for a few seconds, before turning back to the clear and crystal like it was, "Magic said that, when the time is right, you can show them your memories Harry. It's impossible to restore them theirs, but you can show them yours. Only when the time is right. To do so, we well send the twins back in time to their first year so that they can hint at their good family members that the rest aren't good. You can also associate yourselves with Slytherin, and tell them your spies for Slytherin till Harry comes."
"Brilliant!" Fred and George said.

"What happened to Voldemort and his followers?" Remus asked.
Death and Life walked towards another door, that seemed to have magically appeared, and opened the door. They gestured their guests to enter, and so they did. When they did, they came face to face with a long white hall, each had a small room in the side. There were many, many rooms. They all started walking as they saw many death eaters in there.
"They were all forced under compulsion charms and such by Dumbledore and his minions. All were turned, unwillingly, evil by Dumbledore. After death, you are either sent back to earth to live another life, or sent to hell to rot if you did bad things in your life. The time in hell usually depends on what you did. However, for broken souls such as these, they have to be mended first before being sent back. A few have been able to recover quicker and was sent back, but some couldn't." Life said. 
They passed by many death eaters who looked so broken and what they were spelled to do. They stopped by one, Peter Pettigrew. Peter looked just as he did in school- not like the rat like appearance they all knew. Peter crouched on the floor while continuously crying. He heard multiple footsteps and looked above. There stood, in front of him, were his friends he betrayed. Tears welled up in his eyes, "I'm sorry!" he kept repeating. The mauderers, and Lilly, forced Death to open the transparent door and went inside to comfort their friend. Harry looked at him with pity. Minutes later, they left the, now calm, man and went towards the end. Nearly at the end, a distraught voice was heard, "Cissy?".
Narcissa turned around and faced her sister. She went towards the door and placed her hands on the door.
"Bella!" she said.
Bellatrix started to cry, "I'm sorry Cissy! I was under a spell to do what I did! I should've been a better sister and aunt!"
Neville came forward and looked at her. She immediately took notice and cried even more. Neville shook his head and smiled, "Don't blame yourself. Blame Dumbledore." That brought a smile on her teary face.

A few moments later, they were brought in front of a weeping Tom Riddle. Tom continued to cry, he didn't care if he was watched or not. Death looked at them to explain, "He's the most broken. We tried everything to heal him, but nothing ever worked. He's way beyond fixing."
Snape couldn't see this any longer. He went in front of the door and banged on it to catch his attention, which it did. Tom lifted his crying head and looked at Severus. "Se-Sevy? " Tom asked.
This shocked everyone, including Snape. Snape motioned Tom to come forward, which he did. Snape opened the door, with Life's help, and hugged the Dark Lord. He stroked his hair as the Dark Lord continued to cry. It seemed the Dark Lord liked this, as much as Severus did. Although neither knew why (they were enemies after all) but it was obvious to everyone watching.

A 1/2 hour later, the 7 bid their final goodbyes. Before anything, Pansy grabbed Hermiones hand and pushed her lips on Hermione. It was heated for quite a while, till they separated for air. Pansy said, "Find me and show me your memories. I want to be with you, to do this with you." Hermione nodded before pecking her on the lips once more.
Charlie grabbed Harry and smashed into his lips. When it was time to separate, Charlie bit Harry in his neck. "I learnt that from the dragons. That mark won't go, ever. It shows that you are mine. When we meet again, I'll recognize that mark as mine. When I do, tell me everything." Harry could only nod weakly.
"I guess we remain dead, right James?"
"Guess so Lilly."
"Actually-" Life said, grabbing everyone's attention, "though I can't revive you, I can put your souls in a painting of you 2. I can transport it to the Malfoy Manor, along with Draco. Draco and the 2 of you can explain everything to Mr and Mrs Malfoy. The 2 will keep your memories. Magic gave me permission to do this."
Lilly and James nodded eagerly. They were glad!

The 7 heros stepped into the door that would lead them to their past. None looked back, regretting nothing.

Ja nee~

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